Bug ID: 835376
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
Severity: unspecified
Version: rawhide
Priority: unspecified
CC: i18n-bugs(a), jni(a),
me(a), shawn.p.huang(a)
Assignee: jni(a)
Summary: Request to add legend support feature for ibus-table
Regression: ---
Story Points: ---
Classification: Fedora
OS: Unspecified
Reporter: pwu(a)
Type: Bug
Documentation: ---
Hardware: Unspecified
Mount Type: ---
Status: NEW
Component: ibus-table
Product: Fedora
Description of problem:
Currently wubi ime in ibus-table doesn't support legend feature.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Try to input a single character by using ibus-table wubi ime;
Actual results:
Only one character is inputted;
Expected results:
Besides inputting one character, some possible following characters should be
listed in the candidate list to speed up user inputting.
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Bug ID: 1094779
Summary: No Cyrillic Italic Glyphs for Sans, Sans Narrow and
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: liberation-fonts
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Reporter: alescesc1986(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
petersen(a), psatpute(a)
It's wrong for Liberation Sans, Sans Narrow and Mono to have specific italic
glyphs in the Cyrillic range provided that the Latin range has slanted glyphs.
For the sake of consistency, slanted glyphs should be implemented in the
Cyrillic range too.
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Bug ID: 1096336
Summary: Liberation 2.00.x missing unicode hyphen (U+2010)
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: liberation-fonts
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Reporter: elbart(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
petersen(a), psatpute(a)
Description of problem:
The liberation-fonts 2.00.0 and 2.00.1 are missing the unicode hyphen (U+2010).
Versions 1.07.4 and older have that glyph.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
The regressing commit is…
प्रविण सातपुते "sfd file converted from ttf"
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Bug ID: 1084493
Summary: Missing MIDDLE DOT (u+00B7) glyph for Liberation Sans
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: liberation-fonts
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Reporter: jmontane(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
petersen(a), psatpute(a)
Created attachment 882714
Screenshot showing the bug
Description of problem:
In Windows, there is no glyph for MIDDLE DOT (U+00B7) when using Liberation
Sans Italic, an empty space is showed.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Install Liberation Sans Italic files in a Windows machine (tested in Windows 7
32 and 64 bits). The esay way is installing LibreOffice 4.2, :)
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open a new document LibreOffice Writer
2. Type "cel·la" (cell) "·" is U+00B7
3. Select "cel·la" text and set format as "Libreration Sans, Italic".
Actual results:
4.- "cel la" is showed in italics,you can copy and paste and set other font.
Expected results:
5.- "cel·la"
Additional info:
U+00B7 is a used character for Catalan text. So, please, fix this issue.
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Bug ID: 1072095
Summary: Liberation Sans renders most Latin combining
characters incorrectly
Product: Fedora
Version: 20
Component: liberation-fonts
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Reporter: rkaldari(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
petersen(a), psatpute(a)
Created attachment 870161
Comparison between Helvetica, Arimo, and Liberation Sans
Description of problem:
Liberation Sans renders most Latin Unicode combining characters incorrectly.
These are the diacritics and tie characters in the Unicode range U+0300 to
U+FE2F ( In particular:
1. The diacritics do not take into account the width or height of the paired
character (which I imagine is a kerning issue)
2. Tie characters are always positioned incorrectly. They are supposed to
visually tie two characters together, but in Liberation Sans they are simply
centered under the 2nd character.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
version 2.00.1
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install Liberation Sans
2. Go to
Actual results:
Diacritics and ties are a mess.
Expected results:
See Helvetica example in attached file.
Additional info:
The best way to understand this bug is to look at the attached file
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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: Separate Japanese font configuration files for ghostscript
Summary: Separate Japanese font configuration files for
Product: Fedora
Version: 11
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: japanese-bitmap-fonts
AssignedTo: tagoh(a)
ReportedBy: t.matsuu(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: tagoh(a), fedora-i18n-bugs(a)
Estimated Hours: 0.0
Classification: Fedora
I'm not sure which component should be assigned for this bug. So I initially
assign this bug to japanese-bitmap-fonts because the files for discussion is
now owned by japanese-bitmap-fonts package.
Description of problem:
are owned by japanese-bitmap-fonts. But they never use fonts which are bundled
in japanese-bitmap-fonts.
Moreover, fonts which are set in the config files are dispersed among some
So we need to separate ghostscript contig files from japanese-bitmap-fonts and
they should be provided by another package (or included in ghostscript or
ghostscript-fonts package).
I suggest the following idea.
1. Universal
/usr/share/ghostscript/conf.d/{CIDFnmap.ja,FAPIcidfmap.ja,cidfmap.ja} is owned
by new (eg. ghostscript-fonts-japanese), ghostscript, or ghostscript-fonts
2. Each Japanese fonts have their own CIDFnmap.ja, FAPIcidfmap.ja, and
cidfmap.ja files i their common package.
Discussion required:
* fonts priority
* file owner for ghostscript config files
* package structure of IPA fonts are not ready for generate common subpackage
now (bug 507261)
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Bug ID: 1088033
Summary: Text Figures for Liberation Fonts
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: liberation-fonts
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Reporter: alescesc1986(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
petersen(a), psatpute(a)
Hello Pravin,
I was wondering whether you might consider adding text figures to your fonts.
That'd be great and I don't think it'll take you long.
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Bug ID: 1090631
Summary: Please set TT_NAME_ID_PREFERRED_FAMILY for Liberation
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: liberation-fonts
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Reporter: rhughes(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
petersen(a), psatpute(a)
Description of problem:
At the moment the TT_NAME_ID_PREFERRED_FAMILY is not set on any of the
Liberation fonts. As I understand it, TT_NAME_ID_PREFERRED_FAMILY is supposed
to be the same for all files in the same high-level family, and this seems to
be what most other fonts do in Linux. For the next release could you please set
the PreferredFamily key to just "Liberation" in all 10 files. This allows
component installers like gnome-software to group the fonts together rather
than showing them as separate entries and should have no other effects.
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Bug ID: 1009650
Summary: Some Serbian glyphs seem to be Latin glyph
Product: Fedora
Version: 19
Component: liberation-fonts
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Reporter: alescesc1986(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
petersen(a), psatpute(a)
I have a problem with Italic DE and GE: when I copy them from a pdf produced by
XeLaTeX, they are pasted respectively as Latin G and I WITH MACRON. I'm
puzzled, why does this happen?
By the way, other Serbian glyphs aren't copied at all, but they told me this is
XeLaTeX's fault, not font-dependent.
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Bug ID: 1013949
Summary: Problematic shapes for some letters of the macedonian
Product: Fedora
Version: 20
Component: liberation-fonts
Severity: high
Assignee: psatpute(a)
Reporter: pvelkovski(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
petersen(a), psatpute(a)
Created attachment 805748
Shoes how the letters look like, and what they should look like.
Description of problem:
The shape of the Regular (Normal) "Cyrillic
macedonian small letter be" looks. It looks like the italic form minus the
slant which is wrong!
Also the letters "macedonian cyrilic ghe" and "macedonian cyrillic gje" look
inconsistent in italic form. The "macedonian cyrilic gje" should look same as
"macedonian cyrilic ghe" with an added accent.
I'm attaching a pdf file that should explain the problem.
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