Paul W. Frields さんは書きました:
> On Fri, Dec 04, 2009 at 10:51:59AM +0200, Dimitris Glezos wrote:
>> 2009/12/3 Ruediger Landmann <r.landmann(a)>:
>>> On 12/02/2009 05:47 PM, Dimitris Glezos wrote:
>>>> Rudi, you could clear the cache and refresh it.
>>> Really? How do I do that? I'd thought that a button like that would be useful for the
>>> maintainer of a project
>> This button is available on the web interface on component pages for
>> maintainers.
>>> , not least of which because changes to a POT in the repo don't automatically
>>> trigger a refresh (of course!) while submissions of updated POs do.
>> This functionality has been available in Transifex for a while, it's
>> just that Fedora is still running an old (and unmaintained) version.
> Diego posted the summary of what needs to be done here:
> In short, we need a few people to step up and help with the process
> Diego posted.
> We already do have a L10n Admin group[1] that should be overseeing and
> managing this process, to ensure a successful rollout for translators.
> Their charter is to maintain the infrastructure for translators, and
> this clearly falls into that area. I've heard from two of the people
> in that group that they can't do all this work themselves, but haven't
> heard from Ankit or Asgeir about it.
> What I would suggest is that Diego should help with bullet #4 on that
> list, as it probably requires the greatest degree of specific
> technical knowledge, in this case a database upgrade. The rest of the
> work on that ticket could likely be done entirely by the remainder of
> the team, maybe with limited input from Diego. It would be helpful
> for Asgeir or Ankit to help manage this set of tasks in collaboration
> with Diego, who has appropriate package access. (I'm cc'ing Ignacio
> directly as well, so he can add appropriate CVS access for any other
> people who are willing to help maintain the EL-5 package used on our
> Infrastructure.)
> Without help, it's doubtful there will be a new Transifex rolled out,
> and that means some of the problems people are experiencing will
> continue, even though they're already fixed upstream. I'm cc'ing the
> docs, devel, and infrastructure lists to see if any of the people in
> areas well served by translators are willing to help see this project
> through. It's time to pull together, guys, and see if we can help the
> translators who give so much across the whole Fedora Project.
Thanks Paul,
We are very much appreciated if any of you guys can give a hand to L10n
team this time, as by coincidence both of Ankit and Asgeir are having
leave (most likely traveling) and they might not be able have connection
at all.
I like to add brother i18n team as well.
> * * *
> [1]
Parag N(पराग़) wrote:
> Hi,
> I have packaged woff[1] and woffTools[2] but as I see no one has
> shown interest to review it so I have closed them as NOTABUG but I am
> still interested in those packages to see in Fedora. I am ready to
> review those packages. I just need someone to become maintainer. I can
> be co-maintainer for them.
> In case anyone is interested in these packages please open same
> bugzilla reviews that I have closed.
I am interested. Re-opened bugzilla reviews.
I will then review it.
> Regards,
> Parag.
> [1]
> [2]
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