Hi Sebastian,

Welcome to the team!

El vie., 16 de abril de 2021 17:58, Sebastiaan Stoffels <sstoffel@redhat.com> escribió:
Hi all,
Just created my Fedora Contributor account yesterday, and have recently installed the F34 i3 spin on my Lenovo T470s. I figured we are pretty close to GA, so what could go wrong? ;-)

I'm using the beta too and is pretty stable, most of the blockers from GA are related to desktop environments, so we should be ok.

Have been using Linux and i3wm for a number of years now, mainly on Arch Linux, but I use Fedora as my daily driver at work, and will be using i3 from now on.

I work for Red Hat, but not in a technical role. I manage a team of Sales specialists in Melbourne Australia. However I've been a long time user and tinkerer with Linux.

It's great to have another redhatter among us.

I'm good at breaking/testing things :). I dabble in Python, but wouldn't quite call myself a coder.

Looking forward to the success of the i3 spin, and keen to help in any way I can as time permits.
IRC nick: AlkazaR, and Fedora Account nick: sebastiaan76.

Oh, and if one of the sponsors could perhaps add me to the i3 SIG group? The accounts.fedoraproject.org needs a sponsor to do that :).

I added you to the FAS group.

Again, welcome to the team, all help is appreciated.

Eduard 'x3mboy' Lucena