On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 4:27 PM Dan Čermák <dan.cermak@cgc-instruments.com> wrote:
Eduard Lucena <x3mboy@fedoraproject.org> writes:

>> 4. replace urxvt terminal with alacritty (why bother configuring uxrvt to
>> be usable when there are other terminals that work out of the box?).
>>    ```
>>    sudo dnf install alacritty
>>    sudo dnf remove rxvt-unicode
>>    ```
> rxvt-unicode has half of the size of alacritty. We discuss this a lot in
> the early days, and we choose rxvt-unicode because it's likeweight and it's
> the most used in i3 default installations.

I am personally against alacritty, because it causes ugly screen tearing
on my Precision 5530 and does not even start on my Thinkpad x200t. I
usually use st, but that's not a terminal emulator for everyone.

I am not necessarily pro-alacritty (usually I use xfce4-terminal, and was just trying alacritty because I heard some good things about it) - but I am 100% against urxvt because it is so frustrating to configure [for me, and I assume all new urxvt users]. Also, urxvt doesn't play nice with powerline fonts.

My logic is that anybody who wants urxvt knows why they want it, and how to configure it to meet their needs; so they would have no issues installing it. For the rest of us I suggest we find a suitable terminal that is presentable out of the box.
>> 6. use Hack font instead of monospace for i3 title bars and i3status (it
>> seems Hack is installed by default but I don't really understand how fonts
>> work or how to verify this)
>>    ```
>>    sed -i '/^font / s/.*/font pango: Hack Regular 10/' ~/.config/i3/config
>>    ```
> It's a taste decision. Also, hack is not in the Fedora repositories,

Yeah, then that's a nogo.

Agreed, but how about 'Deja Vu', which is actually included in the default i3 config, but commented out.

I think that everybody agrees it is not wise to modify the upstream i3 config directly (especially since it is generated on first run), so it seems there are two options for actioning some of these user preference type issues:
  1. just describe them in documentation somewhere, or
  2. prepare a script that can update the configs (such as by using `sed` commands or something similar) and include it in a separate installable package, or
  3. a combination of both the above
When is the next meeting where we can have a group discussion?
