As I am getting more involved in Fedora, I decided to go for a FAS name
change to better represent my presence on mailing lists and IRC.
My old FAS name was ribeiro
The new one is athoscr
nb helped me with the migration, approving me from all the other FAS
groups. I also informed my packager sponsor about the change and gave
all my packages from the old account to the new one.
Is there anything else I should do by now? I may email the Fedora badges
guys later to check if I can get the badges 'transfered'. :)
I also believe I found a 'bug' in bodhi on the process. I cannot login
there anymore:
500 Server Error
(IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates unique constraint
"users_email_key" DETAIL: Key (email)=(athoscribeiro(a)gmail.com) already
exists. 'INSERT INTO users (name, email, show_popups) VALUES (%(name)s,
%(email)s, %(show_popups)s) RETURNING users.id' {'show_popups': True,
%'name': u'athoscr', 'email': u'athoscribeiro(a)gmail.com'}
Thanks :)
Athos Ribeiro