Dne 27. 02. 19 v 23:00 Peter Robinson napsal(a):
Hey everyone.
As you know, we currently have a RHOSP5 ancient cloud. After a bunch of work last year, we got a RHOSP13 cloud up and mostly working, but it was a ton of work. After hearing from the Fedora Council and our various management chains we determined that it wouldn't really be a good use of our time moving forward to keep maintaining a OpenStack cloud.
We have not yet determined what we want to do with the hardware that we had allocated to this, but are weighing our options. We may want to setup OpenShift bare nodes so we can do kubevirt, we may want to just setup a normal virthost setup managed by ansible.
For the items currently in our cloud, we will be looking at options for them, we are definitely not shutting things off until we have plans in place.
Happy to answer any questions and will make sure everything is properly migrated.
Do we have a documented list of services running on that cloud instance?
From inventory/inventory:
[persistent-cloud] # artboard instance artboard.fedorainfracloud.org # copr production instances copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org copr-fe.cloud.fedoraproject.org copr-keygen.cloud.fedoraproject.org # copr dev instances copr-be-dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org copr-fe-dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org # taiga for kanban-style project planning taiga.fedorainfracloud.org taigastg.fedorainfracloud.org # glittergallery GSoC dev work glittergallery-dev.fedorainfracloud.org # fas2-dev fas2-dev.fedorainfracloud.org # fas3-dev fas3-dev.fedorainfracloud.org # Community Blog communityblog.fedorainfracloud.org # Fedora Magazine #magazine.fedorainfracloud.org magazine2.fedorainfracloud.org # Ansible Magazine ansiblemagazine.fedorainfracloud.org # Flock RegCfp instance regcfp2.fedorainfracloud.org # Fedora Bootstrap VM fedora-bootstrap.fedorainfracloud.org # lists development instance lists-dev.fedorainfracloud.org # java-deptools ticket 4846 java-deptools.fedorainfracloud.org # developer ticket 4876 developer.fedorainfracloud.org # fedimg-dev development instance fedimg-dev.fedorainfracloud.org # iddev iddev.fedorainfracloud.org # commops - ticket 5380 commops.fedorainfracloud.org # respins respins.fedorainfracloud.org # upstreamfirst - ticket 6066 upstreamfirst.fedorainfracloud.org # elastic devel instance - ticket 6479 elastic-dev.fedorainfracloud.org # koji simple ci development - ticket 6419 simple-koji-ci-dev.fedorainfracloud.org simple-koji-ci-prod.fedorainfracloud.org # telegram-irc bridge machine - ticket 6781 telegram-irc.fedorainfracloud.org # Happiness packets happinesspackets.fedorainfracloud.org happinesspackets-stg.fedorainfracloud.org libravatar.fedorainfracloud.org libravatar-stg.fedorainfracloud.org
# # These are in the new cloud # testdays.fedorainfracloud.org