Hi all! (Cross post of ruby-sig)
Long time no see, so I thought I dropped a line of what is achieved so far about this project. GSoC comes to an end later this month but that doesn't mean the effort is over. I will continue to work on this until it gets officially in Fedora.
I managed to deploy GitLab on a Fedora 19 machine using only installed packaged gems. Below you will find some more info as well as the url of the testing environment. Please use/test it and report any issues here [0]. If anyone needs an admin account for further testing just let me know. Just bare in mind that you might see some 500 errors as I will be trying some things :)
-------------------- OS: Fedora 19 Temp deploy: https://fedora.axilleas.me Enviromnent: using only installed packaged gems either from the official repos or my custom one [1]. Gemfile diffs: [2] and [3] Systemd services: Running without using bundler [4] --------------------
There are a lot to be done yet but that's a start.
TODO ----
*Short term - Write gitlab.spec that will glue all the dependencies together
*Long term - Commit as many specs as possible to BZ. - GitLab forks: one option is to patch upstream with GitLab's changes. second but rather avoided is to to ask FPC for an exception and package the forks as they are. - Coordinate efforts with Debian ruby team (I already contacted them) [5] - Deploy on rawhide: when GitLab supports rails 4. That depends on many dependencies gems as well.
*Longer term - port to EPEL
[0] https://github.com/axilleas/gsoc/issues [1] http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/axilleas/gitlab/fedora-19/ [2] https://github.com/axilleas/gsoc/blob/master/Gemfile.diff [3] https://github.com/axilleas/gsoc/blob/master/Gemfile.lock.diff [4] https://github.com/axilleas/gsoc/tree/master/systemd [5] http://debian.2.n7.nabble.com/Regarding-gitlab-td2843993.html