Hi Kevin,

I added my response inline to your original mail.


On 23. 06. 21 20:25, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

In https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10053 Ryan notes that
we have a ton of groups that mention irc.freenode.net in their group
infromation in the account system. 

In https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10035 bookware notes
that we have irc nick's set in the account system when they may no
longer be valid with the irc network move. Also, our notifications
service is sending to the new network, but using the old
nicks/previously setup, which may or may not be the same. 

Also, I'd like to note that libera.net is amending their nick policies
this friday: https://github.com/Libera-Chat/libera-chat.github.io/commit/cf5211538ed65e127f4fc842b62cf25817171e24
basically if someone registers a nick, but only uses it 2 for less than
2 hours after registering, it can be freed up after 2 weeks.
This new policy may allow some contributors that couldn't get their old
nick on the new network back. 

Addiitonally, we hope to sometime real soon now(tm) have our fedora
matrix server up and running with 'spaces' so all the rooms and mappings
will change around again then anyhow. 

Abompard has a PR to noggin to allow it to specify irc network and
matrix ids: https://github.com/fedora-infra/noggin/pull/668

So, what do we want to do here?

I'd propose: 

* Set a date, like June 30th (1 week from today) to clear things. 
* Get things lined up before that date and on that date:
* clear all irc info from groups, we can re-add info after matrix is
setup pointing to matrix channels.
* Clear all irc nicks from account system
* Clear all irc nicks from FMN
* Send announcement that we did that and ask everyone to re-enter irc
nicks in account system and re-validate irc nicks with FMN.

Outstanding questions: 
* Do we want to get that noggin PR rolled out first?
I would be glad to add my matrix nick to Noggin. So I'm for it.
* Do we want to get noggin to be able to verify nicks first?
How will the verification works?
* Do we want to just hold off on all this until matrix is setup?
I would say that this doesn't change anything for people that are already on matrix or IRC, I don't think we need to wait for our own matrix instance.
* Clearning verified irc from FMN, does that also require users to
re-enter all their rules?
I think the rules are tied to FAS name and the IRC nick is just an option. Removing the IRC nick shouldn't remove the rules, but I'm not sure here. If anybody knows more, please correct me if I'm wrong.



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