On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 12:01:33 -0500 (CDT) Mike McGrath mmcgrath@redhat.com wrote:
My understanding of the load issues has always been that the trac git plugin is very inefficient. It'd probably be worth it to see if the load problems magically vanish by updating trac and the git plugin before committing to any archtectural changes related to performance.
Yeah, that could well be the case. I know it leaves around defunct processes all the time. ;)
However, I looking today, the issue seems to be I/O.
There's a mailman archive process: mailman 1933 17.8 1.3 98980 92432 ? R Aug01 1821:31 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s and the rsync to hosted02: root 5955 4.9 0.4 63772 34224 ? Ds 15:53 3:53 rsync --daemon
sucking up most of the I/O. httpd is trying to squeeze in there. ;)
(As a side note, we should get apache-status working on there, might tell us more).