
I'm glad to hear you actually started working on the fedocal and the amount of work you made is actually amazing.

On 8/8/19 1:36 PM, Julen Landa Alustiza wrote:


I saw the wiki page last week and started with fedocal's todo list with a PR with fedora-messaging support [0] waiting for a review =). It lacks scheme support and so on since my first goal was to make a basic implementation of the development tasks on the todo list.

Don't worry about the scheme for now, we are doing it the same, first something that is working without scheme, than the scheme is added.

Right now I'm working on the move to openshift thing. pingou had already a s2i support commit on staging branch [1] and I'm working with that. It works, now I need to familiarize with openshift-apps role of infra ansible repo to continue on.

If you want to take the fedocal under your wing we will help you move it to communishift.

There is an oidc PR from pingou too [2], so my next task on the todo list is to use that to auth against iddev.

This is a good starting point to make OIDC support.

Sadly I will not be able to be around on 16th, but I'll poke someone another friday once I made some progress

Friday with Infra will be continuous event, so it doesn't matter if you will be around on 16th or not. We could figure something out based on our calendar.



[0]: https://pagure.io/fedocal/pull-request/179

[1]: https://pagure.io/fedocal/c/05def018a4b1258465750292e6eb938f105b8d44?branch=staging

[2]: https://pagure.io/fedocal/pull-request/178

19/8/8 12:29(e)an, Michal Konecny igorleak idatzi zuen:

Good Morning Everyone,

As you may remember from [1] the CPE team has started categorizing its applications into the following categories:

  1. We maintain it, we run it
  2. We don’t maintain it, we run it
  3. We don’t maintain it, we don’t run it
  4. We turn it off

In this process we picked the following four applications that we want to move from the first category to the third:

However, we do not want to throw code over the wall to anyone, so we’re setting up something we called “A Friday with Infra”. The goal is to help on-boarding anyone interested in picking up the maintenance of any of these apps by taking time on Friday to work on these apps with them.

We have prepared a wiki page describing this proposal, how to get involved in it as well as all the work we believe should be done to have a smooth hand-over of the applications:

Let us know if you have any questions or (even better) want to be involved with any of them :)

– On behalf of the CPE team

[1] https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/application-service-categories-and-community-handoff/
[2] elections has actually already found a new maintainer

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Julen Landa Alustiza

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