
Can somebody from web team take a look at this.

Just to clarify, we don't need a web page, we just want to use a fedoraproject.org URL as namespace name and make sure everybody is OK with it.

Thank you

On 2/27/20 3:59 PM, Tom Callaway wrote:
I would say if the web team is fine with it, that's all the approval you need.


On Thu, Feb 27, 2020, 8:37 AM Zdenek Veleba <zveleba@redhat.com> wrote:


My team would like to open-source our testing tool for Anaconda. Currently it’s using our custom XML namespace with Red Hat URI. We think it would be best to change it to fedoraproject.org. Is there some kind of process for reserving/registering it for our tool? Or are we free coming up with some URI like: "http://fedoraproject.org/anaconda-testing/tool-name/recipe" and using that as our namespace?

Thank you.


Zdenek Veleba

Quality Engineer

Red Hat

Location: RH - Brno - TPB-C - 1C373

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Zdenek Veleba

Quality Engineer

Location: RH - Brno - TPB-C - 1C373