On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 09:31:43PM -0000, Christian Stadelmann wrote:
I'm trying to report a bug in a package (gnome-settings-daemon) and it would be useful to have debuginfo for this package. When running `dnf debuginfo-install gnome-settings-daemon`, I'm getting an error that the repomd.xml was not found in metalink. Therefore I manually downloaded the metalink file from https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=updates-released-debug-f25&a... (URL from /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo file) and had a look at the file.
The file itself just contains this content:
<metalink version="3.0" xmlns="http://www.metalinker.org/" type="dynamic" pubdate="Wed, 31 Aug 2016 21:05:11 GMT" generator="mirrormanager" xmlns:mm0="http://fedorahosted.org/mirrormanager"> <!-- # repo = updates-released-debug-f25 arch = x86_64 error: invalid repo or arch # following repositories are available: # repo=atomic-21&arch=x86_64 # repo=core-2&arch=i386 # repo=core-2&arch=x86_64
… (more repositories listed) …
# repo=updates-testing-source-fc4&arch=source # repo=updates-testing-source-fc5&arch=source # repo=updates-testing-source-fc6&arch=source
but the file does not contain a line like
# repo=updates-released-debug-f25&arch=x86_64
but it contains everything else: different architectures: # repo=updates-released-debug-f25&arch=aarch64 # repo=updates-released-debug-f25&arch=ppc64 # repo=updates-released-debug-f25&arch=ppc64le # repo=updates-released-debug-f25&arch=s390x
different repos: … # repo=fedora-debug-25&arch=x86_64 … # repo=updates-released-f25&arch=x86_64 … # repo=updates-released-source-f25&arch=source … # repo=updates-testing-debug-f25&arch=x86_64 …
the repo I'd need is just missing.
I can only comment from the MirrorManager side. The repository is missing indeed. But it is missing because it does not exist on the master mirror server. The repository exists for the alternate architectures but not for for x86_64, i386 and armhfp. I guess this is something rel-eng can fix.