On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 03:42:21PM -0700, Darren VanBuren wrote:
I assume you won't be doing stuff at 18:40-ish on Friday. Because, unfortunately that's when I get home (15:40-ish back here on the West Coast).
If you could make like a rough outline of what happened on Friday at the end of the day, that'd be great, because I would probably end up being completely confused over everything, having missed Friday's events.
We should be able to blog some summaries to the planet. You can also get more detail by logging an ircproxy into #fedora-fad during the event, which can stay online even if you're not. I frequently do this for meetings I know I'm going to have to miss and it works like a charm! Of course, we'll also post those logs as well.