On Mon, 23 May 2022 at 16:52, Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> wrote:
So, in the past we have always had a policy to package as rpms and get
into fedora/epel applications we deploy and are upstream for.

There were a number of good reasons for this:
* We deployed everything on vm's using rpm.
* Other users that wanted to reproduce our infrastructure could use the
* It made us sure that the thing passed review and built on various
Fedoras with the versions of things there it depended on.

However, now a days we have a number of new apps that are deployed in
openshift and aren't using rpms, but pip or s2i or other things. For
these packaging them up as rpms becomes a burden with not too many
gains. ;(

So, I was thinking we should codify a new policy.
(To avoid confusion for application authors and others).

Something like:

Applications in Fedora Infrastructure may be deployed via non rpm
methods (as long as they obey licensing guidelines (
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Licensing )). For those
applications, creating and maintaining an rpm is optional.

How about:

Applications in Fedora Infrastructure need to be deployed in an auditable and repeatable way. These methods need to allow someone to determine which software was installed, when it was installed, and what it was meant to be done (example: rpms or podman build scripts for containers). The goal is to be kind to our future selves at 2 am who need to figure out why a critical application is broken and how to rebuild and redeploy as needed. 


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Stephen Smoogen, Red Hat Automotive
Let us be kind to one another, for most of us are fighting a hard battle. -- Ian MacClaren