Hello folk
I'm trying to post to: https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/90082/fedora-24-doesnt-do-anything...
I write my post and click the login/signup button
I'm referred to: https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/account/signin/ Where I click on the 'fedora' button
I'm referred to: https://id.fedoraproject.org/login/fas?ipsilon_transaction_id=bc5d2be8-f337-... Where I enter my credentials and click the login button
I'm referred to: https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/account/signin/complete/?next=%2F&janra... entity%2Clp.is_member%2Cmode%2Cns%2Cns.cla%2Cns.lp%2Cns.sreg%2Cop_endpoint%2Cresponse_nonce%2Creturn_to%2Csigned%2Csreg.email%2Csreg.nickname&openid.sreg.email=mstuff%40read.org.nz&openid.sreg.nickname=mread Where my 'Screen Name' is prepopulated with 'mread' (my FAS username), and; My 'Email Address' is prepopulated with 'mstuff@read.org.nz' And, I click the 'signup' button (Why do I have to 'signup' and not 'signin' when the top of the page says 'please sign in'?)
And, I'm referred back to the same page with the announcement in RED: 'this email is already used by someone else, please choose another'
Please can someone direct me out of this mindless loop so that I can post to the ask forum please