On Wed, 23 Mar 2016 17:38:52 -0400 "Paul W. Frields" stickster@gmail.com wrote:
On Tue, Mar 08, 2016 at 07:22:44PM -0500, David Shier wrote:
I think this is a good idea, maybe add a sub header similar to 'technical project sites in this region' to differentiate between something that is a more or less general community forum and the ones where you've got development types that likely want more focused conversation related to their projects.
Reminder since snipped: The context is that I recommended we use *.fedoracommunity.org for projects outside regular support from the infrastructure team, but which are good to associate with Fedora overall, with COPR being an example.
Hum, I am not sure copr is a good example, but perhaps I misunderstood. :) I was thinking this was additive with other stuff:
- fedoraproject.org -> fully supported
- fedorainfracloud.org -> lesser support (right now, I would say copr is here, but moving to the first one)
- stg.fedoraproject.org -> even less
- fedoracommunity.org -> we don't run it, but it's associated.
So, here I would put things like:
bootstrap.fedoraproject.org python3 porting page etc
What do we need to do to make this happen, if there are no objections?
I think:
* we need a writeup on the wiki and/or infra-docs with this setup.
* we need to put everything into one of the levels and get feedback
* adjust things like nagios or SOPs for the levels.
* announce it
* profit