I'd like to get conversations going on exactly *how* we plan to attack the list of things to do for the FAD. The game plan is here -- many thanks to John, who already got us rolling with a planning page:
We've got four tickets -- probably with a bunch of duplication between them -- that we want to clear out as primary targets. Then there are an assortment of some possibly related bits we can hit as time allows.
I sort of braindumped how those targets map out. I'd like attendees to look at this list and comment on each point -- what's done already? What still needs to be built? What, in your opinion, is the best way of doing it?
If we can answer those questions *now*, we'll spend less time discussing at the FAD, and more time *doing*. I'll capture the discussion to the wiki as we find answers, so we can easily refer to it later.
* Record calls
* Stream calls
* Publish the recording (to a meetbot-like web area?)
* Add moderation features that support larger audiences
* Build pieces that allow users to set these features either in advance (Web UI) or on-demand/interactively (e.g. "#8" = start recording)
I'd also like to suggest that everyone attending get on IRC Freenode #fedora-fad now, so we can do easy one-off conversation there for trivial matters, and continue to capture strategies here and on the wiki. We'll be using that IRC channel for the FAD itself later.