Hi, my name is Hernan Vivani. I am from Mar del Plata, Argentina (GMT -3). I have worked at the IT dept. of several local companies, and right now I am IT Manager at Postres Balcarce S.A. (http://www.postresbalcarce.com.ar). It is a food production company.
I am working with Redhat since Redhat 9 and then with Fedora until now. I am Redhat Certified Technician (RHCT # 605010617235652). You can find more references at my blog: http://hernan.vivani.com.ar/ and linkedin: http://ar.linkedin.com/pub/hernan-ignacio-vivani/1a/352/b8a
I am joining this group because the Fedora Project has given to me a lot experience and work oportunities and I would like to give to the project a devolution for that.
What I realy like most in my job, and would like to do if possible, is Server Administration. I am daily administrating several Fedoras, Redhat and CentOS servers with services like: apache, qmail, nfs, squid, ftp, yum repositories, among others. I have about 8 hours per week, most of them near and in weekend.
I really hope to be usefull to this project and this group. Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Hernán Vivani Mar del Plata Argentina