We would like to get the servers updated to RHEL-5.4 before the freeze next week. The boxes will be updated with remote ones done first and then the ones inisde of PHX.
First will be:
bu1: people1
ibiblio1: app5 backup2 ns2 proxy4 publictest1 publictest2 publictest3 torrent1
osuosl1: publictest6 publictest7 publictest8
serverbeach2: asterisk1 collab1 ns1
serverbeach3: collab2 asterisk2
serverbeach4: hosted1
serverbeach5: hosted2
telia1: app6 noc2 proxy5 publictest14 publictest15 publictest16 smtp-mm1
tummy1: proxy3 publictest10
-------------------------------- xen14: app1 bapp1 cvs1 fas2 puppet1
xen9: app2 app2.stg db1.stg memcached1 proxy1.stg sync1
xen3: app4 cvs1.stg fas1.stg qa1 releng1.stg spin1 sync2
xen5: bastion2 fas1 kojipkgs1 noc1 proxy1 value1
xen6: app7
xen10: log1 memcached2
xen13: app1.stg
xen1: koji1
xen2: koji2 releng1 sign1
xen7: app3 proxy2 releng2 value2
xen11: secondary1
xen12: db1
xen15: RHEL5-mpm db2 koji1.stg relepel1 sign-bridge1
I think we can do this Sunday/Monday.. the last set I will avoid as it would most effect engineering.