Hi, We have one remaining RHEL5 host - app07. It is being kept alive in order to keep running the fedoracommunity/stats page. After talking with Luke about it I went looking through the http logs for fedoracommunity on app07. In the last year the number of connections hitting a url mentioning 'statistics' page is 1994. In the last 3 months the number is 15.
In the last 2 months the number is 0.
I think it is not helping up to keep this one oddball host around for this. I'd like to suggest we decomm community/statistics and either rebuild app07 as rhel6 or just terminate it.
Is there any thing about doing this that we need to be concerned with? any additional worries as to what's on app07 or what is using the community/statistics page that I'm not thinking of?
Thanks, -sv
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 03:46:08PM -0500, Seth Vidal wrote:
Hi, We have one remaining RHEL5 host - app07. It is being kept alive in order to keep running the fedoracommunity/stats page. After talking with Luke about it I went looking through the http logs for fedoracommunity on app07. In the last year the number of connections hitting a url mentioning 'statistics' page is 1994. In the last 3 months the number is 15.
In the last 2 months the number is 0.
I think it is not helping up to keep this one oddball host around for this. I'd like to suggest we decomm community/statistics and either rebuild app07 as rhel6 or just terminate it.
Is there any thing about doing this that we need to be concerned with? any additional worries as to what's on app07 or what is using the community/statistics page that I'm not thinking of?
works for me. When we first moved community off to its own rhel5 host so we could upgrade the rest of the app* servers there seemed to be a consensus that we could get rid of community but datanommer might be right around the corner so if there were no issues there might not be a burden to keeping it up and running.
Since "just around the corner" has expired quite a few months ago and getting pam_url built for RHEL5 is proving to be less simple than dropping the SRPM into koji it seems quite fine to decommission it.
It's similar to the case of smolt -- an optional service that isn't being used by many with a new service preparing to take its place somewhere in the wings.
On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 03:46:08PM -0500, Seth Vidal wrote:
Hi, We have one remaining RHEL5 host - app07. It is being kept alive in order to keep running the fedoracommunity/stats page. After talking with Luke about it I went looking through the http logs for fedoracommunity on app07. In the last year the number of connections hitting a url mentioning 'statistics' page is 1994. In the last 3 months the number is 15.
In the last 2 months the number is 0.
I think it is not helping up to keep this one oddball host around for this. I'd like to suggest we decomm community/statistics and either rebuild app07 as rhel6 or just terminate it.
Is there any thing about doing this that we need to be concerned with? any additional worries as to what's on app07 or what is using the community/statistics page that I'm not thinking of?
+1 for decommissioning.
pingou got the ball rolling with a new Fedora stats app, which seems like a good place to migrate our old fedoracommunity stats widgets to.
http://ambre.pingoured.fr/fedora-stats2/index.html https://github.com/pypingou/fedora-stats
If any new folks with Python skills want to help out with this, ping us in #fedora-apps :)
I'd say decomission it, but keep the lv around in case we find we need to mine anything off it later for new stats.