""" In the beginning there was cgi. And everything was slow but simple. And lo, one day we began to crave faster speeds, MVC, and other features that plain cgi did not provide. And thus we entered the age of web frameworks.... """
At last week's infrastructure meeting, I brought up the fact that we seem to have a proliferation of web application frameworks for the new apps that we are creating. In some ways this is good as it lets us experiment with new technologies as a group and lets us fit the needs of a specific application or programmer's style with the framework. However, it has downsides as well; mostly in the realm of ongoing maintenance of the apps. We need to take a moment to figure out where we want to go with this.
== Some issues ==
* Retaining group knowledge of many different application frameworks even when the original author stops being an active contributor * Maintaining the packages in EPEL and Infrastructure for these * Maintaining some knowledge of the frameworks' code and involvement with their upstreams to fix bugs in the frameworks themselves. * Deployment of multiple frameworks that may have conflicting deps. * Deployment of multiple frameworks taking up more memory on the servers.
We think to some extent we currently have ways to manage the deployment problems:
* Separate app servers for individual apps. As long as we have an inflow of hardware resources we can continue to separate out applications onto different machines instead of running them all on app* as our first generation of apps was. This would be an ongoing expense. We should continue to allocate at least two servers to each application so that we can do things like reboots and updates transparently to the users. * Openshift. Hosting applications on a cloud service like openshift allows us to separate out applications and parcel out memory as a resource differently than if we're managing multiple apps on a single host.
While these factors do change the game as far as hardware allocation is concerned, it doesn't help our manpower resources. As we spin up more hosts for each web application, we need sysadmin time to spin those hosts up. As we deploy to openshift we need to figure out how we're going to integrate configuration and deployment to those hosts into our existing puppet configurations (I don't think that any of our current openshift deployed services are puppet managed) and how we're going to manage load balancing and failover.
== Where are we now? ==
.. note:: I would like this section to be an inventory of everything that we're deploying and writing but I don't have a complete picture. If you have more things, feel free to update this on the wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Services_Survey
TG1 => Turbogears1, SQLAlchemy and genshi/mako Old TG1 => TurboGears1, SQLObject and kid TG2 => TurboGears2 Pyramid => Curent successor to TG2 but a break from the current TG1 style; may have a new layer built on top of it at a later date that is more TG-ish. Flask => Easy to get started with and wrap your head around. Great for small projects. Not a huge stack of deps.
Application Host Framework Notes ----------- ---- --------- ----- bodhi app* old TG1 has a pyramid branch bodhi releng* old TG1 has a pyramid branch busmon ? TG2/moksha Not yet deployed copr(2) ? flask not yet deployed. Loosely, "buildsys for fedorapeople repos" datagrepper ? flask? Not yet deployed dataviewer ? flask? Not yet deployed dpsearch ? perl/C Not yet deployed testing on search01-dev elections app* TG1 has a TG2 branch and ianweller trying a flask branch for comparison fas fas* TG1 fedorabadges ? pyramid Not yet deployed fedoracommunity app07? TG2/moksha Only runs on RHEL5. We're retiring this pending on datanommer being deployed or we get tired of keeping app07. (Is the version of moksha here old as well?) fedorahosted-reg openshift? flask not yet deployed freemedia app* php In Puppet. Looks like it would be very simple to port to something lightweight like Flask if we wanted to get away from PHP. fudcon-reg openshift flask registration application for fudcon. Not currently configured in puppet, load balanced, etc. koji koji* custom was mod_python. plans to move to mod_wsgi. (Current status?) mirrorlist-server app* custom lightweight, mod_wsgi process. No real framework mirrormanager app* old TG1 has an older TG2 branch packagedb app* TG1 packages packages* TG2 pager app*, noc* CGI raffle app* TG2 Disposable -- no promises to keep maintaining have been made smolt value* TG1 We're planning to get rid of this in favor of census on openshift (Are we still running the process on app* even though it isn't actively serving pages?) tagger packages* TG2
We deploy but do not code for: Application Host Framework Notes ----------- ---- --------- ----- askbot ask* django Uses openid login darkserver darkserver django insight insight* drupal/php I'm not sure the level of coding that we do on this. gitweb(-caching) pkgs* cgi? thinking of replacing with cgit hosted* hg? hosted* cgi? loggerhead hosted* mod_wsgi mailman webui hosted* python cgi mailman web frontend for collab* lists.fp.o and lists.fh.o mediawiki app* php reviewboard hosted* django we've talked about moving this to openshift and/or app servers trac hosted* mod_wsgi genshi templates
Deployed but only for our sysadmins: collectd, nagios, awstats
== Some analysis ==
Right now we're deploying against the following frameworks for applications in our critical path:
* TG1 * mod_wsgi/mod_python
We also have a few additional applications that are not currently critical to creating Fedora but are value adds that we've worked hard on. These applications are written against
* TG1 * TG2 * flask
The new applications that we're writing seem to be written against: * TG2 * flask * pyramid
== Some thoughts ==
=== Openshift ===
Although openshift is attractive from a hardware-provisioning perspective, we haven't figured out how to manage configs for it for any of our currently deployed services. So, for instance, if there was evidence that one of our openshift instances had been compromised we wouldn't have the benefit of configs checked into puppet to refer to and to help us reconstruct that instance. We probably also don't have these hosts as part of our backups (don't know if openshift manages backups for us). We should figure out disaster recovery for these hosts before we go too much further here. We also don't currently have any openshift hosts working in a load balanced fashion so, for instance, doing an update of an app could require user visible downtime.
If we're going to use openshift for deploying production apps, we should come up with answers for these tasks.
=== Getting rid of TG1 ===
At some point I want to get rid of the TG1 stack. Upstream is in maintenance-only mode for it. And increasingly, they are moving to the somewhat incompatible TG-1.5.x stack for their maintenance while simultaneously pushing people to write their apps for TG2 or pyramid. While TG1.1 "just works" for us right now, we're eventually going to run up against things that upstream isn't handling (whether bugfixes in the TG-1.1.x branch, security fixes, or porting of the stack to new versions of dependent libraries). While the maintenance burden of the TG1.1 stack is low at this time, it's just going to get higher over time.
In order to port away from the TG1 stack, I want to figure out what we should be porting to. Last year we thought that should be TG2 because moksha was intrinsically linked to TG2 and we were deploying on fedoracommunity which needed moksha. Now, neither of those is true. (moksha can now run on other frameworks besides TG2. fedoracommunity is going away in the future.) However, there's no clear successor.
=== Plethora of frameworks ===
We're writing and deploying apps written against an ever expanding number of frameworks. I am a bit afraid of this. While it is nice to know that we have exactly the right tool for the job among the many choices of framework, I think that maintaining apps written in a variety of frameworks is going to cause us pain as frameworks die off or change radically and current contributors move on to other things. With that in mind I think we should commit to using only a few frameworks in our coding for infrastructure and those frameworks will serve to be where we concentrate on gathering our experience, what we write new apps against, what we design our infrastructure to support, and what we port our apps to as time goes on.
From browsing the list of frameworks we're currently deploying:
Django has a good track record of making new releases with clear porting guides for making changes in your old code on run on the new versions. However, it is conceptually something of an application server (like JBoss), not a pure framework like Turbogears. At the least, this would require some thought on our part on how to deploy and code for it.
Flask seems to be lighter weight in terms of its deps and in terms of its learning curve. It's pretty easy to run a flask app in openshift. If we were to choose just two frameworks, it might make sense to choose flask as an entry level framework for smaller applications and one other framework with lots of bells and whistles for things that need those features.
TurboGears2 is still developed upstream. Some of the main developers have moved on to work on pyramid but others are continuing to work on TG2. Upstream has committed to doing the necessary work to port TG2 to python3 but much of the TG2 underlying stack is in maintenance mode so the TG2 devs have had to do some of that work themselves.
Pyramid is a merging of certain segments of the zope community and the pylons community. If pylons has a successor, this is it. Since TG2 was built on pylons, pyramid might be the next logical step (or a web framework built on top of pyramid).
== Final thoughts ==
My primary goal is to decide what framework to port our old TG1 code to so that we can stop maintaining the TG1 stack before upstream stops working on it at all. My secondary concern is that we stop growing the other stacks that we're maintaining and concentrate on one or two which will make mainenance easier. Can we choose two frameworks right now that will suit our needs? It seems that flask can serve a niche and maybe should be one of them. What should our bells and whistles framework be? TG2 or pyramid or something else entirely?
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 01:23:08PM -0700, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
elections app* TG1 has a TG2 branch and ianweller trying a flask branch for comparison
A bit of discussion on this, just to get it out of my head and written down somewhere...
What I'm working on can no longer really be described as a "branch" but more of a rework. I'm taking advantage of rewriting the application for a new framework in order to fix what (I believe) are some issues with the current voting platform (and please correct me if I'm wrong about any of these, because I'm not used to reading TG code and most of my knowledge of the code has been because of grep):
- Elections cannot be run without the intervention of an election admin - The concept of an election admin is not well implemented in code - Election admins are limited to entire FAS groups, as opposed to FAS users or role requirements within FAS groups - Range voting is the only supported system to run an election - The interface for range voting is not especially user-friendly - Election results must be produced and unembargoed by someone with access to the database (and knowledge of producing them)
Some things I'm planning on doing specifically to alleviate the above:
- Elections may be created by anyone with a FAS account, through the web interface - In order for the election to show up on the home page, someone in the FAS elections group has to mark it as such - Election admins are configurable by adding FAS users or groups - Election admins can see results at the end of the voting period and unembargo them - There will be a documented method for creating new election types - I will find some way to make the range voting interface make more sense to people without having to think about it
Comments requested -- especially regarding things you would change about our current elections app.
Working on this also led to Flask-FAS [1], a Flask extension for handling FAS logins, using python-fedora's FasProxyClient. I wouldn't quite consider the API stable quite yet so don't go using it in production expecting it to stay the same.
[1]: http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=flask-fas.git;a=summary
There's a lot of extra code that goes into making Flask-FAS usable in an application but they require design decisions on the part of the application developer, so I will be hacking together a small sample app and putting it in flask-fas.git shortly after sending this email.
On Wed, 4 Jul 2012 04:49:15 -0500 Ian Weller ian@ianweller.org wrote:
Comments requested -- especially regarding things you would change about our current elections app.
The suggestions you note above are all good.
I think having options instead of range voting would be nice.
We may want to restrict creating elections to cla* + 1 people... to avoid spamming users.
It might be nice to allow the admin of an election to mail voter groups reminders/notices. That could be misused tho for elections with very large groups. Perhaps only official elections on the front page?
See also: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/372 for some additional thoughts.
On 5 July 2012 14:53, Kevin Fenzi kevin@scrye.com wrote:
On Wed, 4 Jul 2012 04:49:15 -0500 Ian Weller ian@ianweller.org wrote:
Comments requested -- especially regarding things you would change about our current elections app.
The suggestions you note above are all good.
I think having options instead of range voting would be nice.
I would like to work on this part with Ian. I think a "first through the post", and a "we took the debian vote system and put it in here" would be a good one to add.
We may want to restrict creating elections to cla* + 1 people... to avoid spamming users.
It might be nice to allow the admin of an election to mail voter groups reminders/notices. That could be misused tho for elections with very large groups. Perhaps only official elections on the front page?
See also: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/372 for some additional thoughts.
infrastructure mailing list infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/infrastructure
On Thu, 28 Jun 2012 13:23:08 -0700 Toshio Kuratomi a.badger@gmail.com wrote:
...snip a bunch of stuff I agree with... ;)
My primary goal is to decide what framework to port our old TG1 code to so that we can stop maintaining the TG1 stack before upstream stops working on it at all. My secondary concern is that we stop growing the other stacks that we're maintaining and concentrate on one or two which will make mainenance easier. Can we choose two frameworks right now that will suit our needs? It seems that flask can serve a niche and maybe should be one of them. What should our bells and whistles framework be? TG2 or pyramid or something else entirely?
I have no horse in this race, so I think if our application developers can chime in and reach a consensus thats good for me.
it sounds like flask and pyramid might be the way to go, but I'm happy to go with whatever the consensus is.
So, for TG1 apps thats:
mirrormanager packagedb fas elections bodhi
One thing that might also weigh into this is existing porting work thats already been done to TG2. Ie, if developers would be willing to re-target pyramid or would prefer to go to TG2 due to existing work to move to that.
On Thu, 2012-07-05 at 14:49 -0600, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
On Thu, 28 Jun 2012 13:23:08 -0700 Toshio Kuratomi a.badger@gmail.com wrote:
...snip a bunch of stuff I agree with... ;)
My primary goal is to decide what framework to port our old TG1 code to so that we can stop maintaining the TG1 stack before upstream stops working on it at all. My secondary concern is that we stop growing the other stacks that we're maintaining and concentrate on one or two which will make mainenance easier. Can we choose two frameworks right now that will suit our needs? It seems that flask can serve a niche and maybe should be one of them. What should our bells and whistles framework be? TG2 or pyramid or something else entirely?
I have no horse in this race, so I think if our application developers can chime in and reach a consensus thats good for me.
I have to say that I have recently played quite a bit with Flask and in the past I got some experience with TG2. Pyramid would be new to me, but looking at the latest app from Luke, it does not look very far from TG2 and I think I would not be too lost.
So, for TG1 apps thats:
mirrormanager packagedb fas elections bodhi
One thing that might also weigh into this is existing porting work thats already been done to TG2. Ie, if developers would be willing to re-target pyramid or would prefer to go to TG2 due to existing work to move to that.
One thing to consider as well is which of these apps have to be port to the "bells and whistles framework"(© Toshio). From this list of TG1 app, Ian is working on a Flask version of elections and there was a question on the portability of MM to Flask as well (ie: light weight framework).
This leaves us with: - packagedb - fas - bodhi
From which bodhi should be removed in a not so long term with the
release of bodhi 2.0. The last two (FAS and packagedb) have not had any attempt to port to another framework (that I know off at least), so for these two the choices of the framework is free.
In summary, my 2cts are: I know Flask and I quite liked working with it for light weight application. I know TG2, but I am fine to try pyramid if it's the preferred way to go.
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:23 PM, Toshio Kuratomi a.badger@gmail.comwrote:
""" In the beginning there was cgi. And everything was slow but simple. And lo, one day we began to crave faster speeds, MVC, and other features that plain cgi did not provide. And thus we entered the age of web frameworks.... """
At last week's infrastructure meeting, I brought up the fact that we seem to have a proliferation of web application frameworks for the new apps that we are creating. In some ways this is good as it lets us experiment with new technologies as a group and lets us fit the needs of a specific application or programmer's style with the framework. However, it has downsides as well; mostly in the realm of ongoing maintenance of the apps. We need to take a moment to figure out where we want to go with this.
== Some issues ==
- Retaining group knowledge of many different application frameworks even when the original author stops being an active contributor
- Maintaining the packages in EPEL and Infrastructure for these
- Maintaining some knowledge of the frameworks' code and involvement with their upstreams to fix bugs in the frameworks themselves.
- Deployment of multiple frameworks that may have conflicting deps.
- Deployment of multiple frameworks taking up more memory on the servers.
We think to some extent we currently have ways to manage the deployment problems:
- Separate app servers for individual apps. As long as we have an inflow
of hardware resources we can continue to separate out applications onto different machines instead of running them all on app* as our first generation of apps was. This would be an ongoing expense. We should continue to allocate at least two servers to each application so that we can do things like reboots and updates transparently to the users.
- Openshift. Hosting applications on a cloud service like openshift allows us to separate out applications and parcel out memory as a resource differently than if we're managing multiple apps on a single host.
While these factors do change the game as far as hardware allocation is concerned, it doesn't help our manpower resources. As we spin up more hosts for each web application, we need sysadmin time to spin those hosts up. As we deploy to openshift we need to figure out how we're going to integrate configuration and deployment to those hosts into our existing puppet configurations (I don't think that any of our current openshift deployed services are puppet managed) and how we're going to manage load balancing and failover.
== Where are we now? ==
.. note:: I would like this section to be an inventory of everything that we're deploying and writing but I don't have a complete picture. If you have more things, feel free to update this on the wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Services_Survey
TG1 => Turbogears1, SQLAlchemy and genshi/mako Old TG1 => TurboGears1, SQLObject and kid TG2 => TurboGears2 Pyramid => Curent successor to TG2 but a break from the current TG1 style; may have a new layer built on top of it at a later date that is more TG-ish. Flask => Easy to get started with and wrap your head around. Great for small projects. Not a huge stack of deps.
Application Host Framework Notes
bodhi app* old TG1 has a pyramid branch bodhi releng* old TG1 has a pyramid branch busmon ? TG2/moksha Not yet deployed copr(2) ? flask not yet deployed. Loosely, "buildsys for fedorapeople repos" datagrepper ? flask? Not yet deployed dataviewer ? flask? Not yet deployed dpsearch ? perl/C Not yet deployed testing on search01-dev elections app* TG1 has a TG2 branch and ianweller trying a flask branch for comparison fas fas* TG1 fedorabadges ? pyramid Not yet deployed fedoracommunity app07? TG2/moksha Only runs on RHEL5. We're retiring this pending on datanommer being deployed or we get tired of keeping app07. (Is the version of moksha here old as well?) fedorahosted-reg openshift? flask not yet deployed freemedia app* php In Puppet. Looks like it would be very simple to port to something lightweight like Flask if we wanted to get away from PHP. fudcon-reg openshift flask registration application for fudcon. Not currently configured in puppet, load balanced, etc. koji koji* custom was mod_python. plans to move to mod_wsgi. (Current status?) mirrorlist-server app* custom lightweight, mod_wsgi process. No real framework mirrormanager app* old TG1 has an older TG2 branch packagedb app* TG1 packages packages* TG2 pager app*, noc* CGI raffle app* TG2 Disposable -- no promises to keep maintaining have been made smolt value* TG1 We're planning to get rid of this in favor of census on openshift (Are we still running the process on app* even though it isn't actively serving pages?) tagger packages* TG2
We deploy but do not code for: Application Host Framework Notes
askbot ask* django Uses openid login darkserver darkserver django insight insight* drupal/php I'm not sure the level of coding that we do on this. gitweb(-caching) pkgs* cgi? thinking of replacing with cgit hosted* hg? hosted* cgi? loggerhead hosted* mod_wsgi mailman webui hosted* python cgi mailman web frontend for collab* lists.fp.o and lists.fh.o mediawiki app* php reviewboard hosted* django we've talked about moving this to openshift and/or app servers trac hosted* mod_wsgi genshi templates
Deployed but only for our sysadmins: collectd, nagios, awstats
== Some analysis ==
Right now we're deploying against the following frameworks for applications in our critical path:
- TG1
- mod_wsgi/mod_python
We also have a few additional applications that are not currently critical to creating Fedora but are value adds that we've worked hard on. These applications are written against
- TG1
- TG2
- flask
The new applications that we're writing seem to be written against:
- TG2
- flask
- pyramid
== Some thoughts ==
=== Openshift ===
Although openshift is attractive from a hardware-provisioning perspective, we haven't figured out how to manage configs for it for any of our currently deployed services. So, for instance, if there was evidence that one of our openshift instances had been compromised we wouldn't have the benefit of configs checked into puppet to refer to and to help us reconstruct that instance. We probably also don't have these hosts as part of our backups (don't know if openshift manages backups for us). We should figure out disaster recovery for these hosts before we go too much further here. We also don't currently have any openshift hosts working in a load balanced fashion so, for instance, doing an update of an app could require user visible downtime.
If we're going to use openshift for deploying production apps, we should come up with answers for these tasks.
=== Getting rid of TG1 ===
At some point I want to get rid of the TG1 stack. Upstream is in maintenance-only mode for it. And increasingly, they are moving to the somewhat incompatible TG-1.5.x stack for their maintenance while simultaneously pushing people to write their apps for TG2 or pyramid. While TG1.1 "just works" for us right now, we're eventually going to run up against things that upstream isn't handling (whether bugfixes in the TG-1.1.x branch, security fixes, or porting of the stack to new versions of dependent libraries). While the maintenance burden of the TG1.1 stack is low at this time, it's just going to get higher over time.
In order to port away from the TG1 stack, I want to figure out what we should be porting to. Last year we thought that should be TG2 because moksha was intrinsically linked to TG2 and we were deploying on fedoracommunity which needed moksha. Now, neither of those is true. (moksha can now run on other frameworks besides TG2. fedoracommunity is going away in the future.) However, there's no clear successor.
=== Plethora of frameworks ===
We're writing and deploying apps written against an ever expanding number of frameworks. I am a bit afraid of this. While it is nice to know that we have exactly the right tool for the job among the many choices of framework, I think that maintaining apps written in a variety of frameworks is going to cause us pain as frameworks die off or change radically and current contributors move on to other things. With that in mind I think we should commit to using only a few frameworks in our coding for infrastructure and those frameworks will serve to be where we concentrate on gathering our experience, what we write new apps against, what we design our infrastructure to support, and what we port our apps to as time goes on.
From browsing the list of frameworks we're currently deploying:
Django has a good track record of making new releases with clear porting guides for making changes in your old code on run on the new versions. However, it is conceptually something of an application server (like JBoss), not a pure framework like Turbogears. At the least, this would require some thought on our part on how to deploy and code for it.
Flask seems to be lighter weight in terms of its deps and in terms of its learning curve. It's pretty easy to run a flask app in openshift. If we were to choose just two frameworks, it might make sense to choose flask as an entry level framework for smaller applications and one other framework with lots of bells and whistles for things that need those features.
Sounds like a a good candidate for the purpose --> project requirements.
TurboGears2 is still developed upstream. Some of the main developers have moved on to work on pyramid but others are continuing to work on TG2. Upstream has committed to doing the necessary work to port TG2 to python3 but much of the TG2 underlying stack is in maintenance mode so the TG2 devs have had to do some of that work themselves.
Pyramid is a merging of certain segments of the zope community and the pylons community. If pylons has a successor, this is it. Since TG2 was built on pylons, pyramid might be the next logical step (or a web framework built on top of pyramid).
So we have to choose between a full-stack and a low-level one... Or are you pointing out that maybe we should go for TG2 as we could expect have pyramid as a core base?
== Final thoughts ==
My primary goal is to decide what framework to port our old TG1 code to so that we can stop maintaining the TG1 stack before upstream stops working on it at all. My secondary concern is that we stop growing the other stacks that we're maintaining and concentrate on one or two which will make mainenance easier. Can we choose two frameworks right now that will suit our needs? It seems that flask can serve a niche and maybe should be one of them. What should our bells and whistles framework be? TG2 or pyramid or something else entirely?
Ruby_on_rails? Seriously, That should be related to the dev team capabilities for the "something else entirely" where I can only see TG2 for now unless people's hacking on new web framework?
Beside, I would love to get rid of tg1 and actually move my FAS's work to TG2.
Any update on this?
On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 2:59 AM, Xavier Lamien laxathom@fedoraproject.orgwrote:
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:23 PM, Toshio Kuratomi a.badger@gmail.comwrote:
""" In the beginning there was cgi. And everything was slow but simple. And lo, one day we began to crave faster speeds, MVC, and other features that plain cgi did not provide. And thus we entered the age of web frameworks.... """
At last week's infrastructure meeting, I brought up the fact that we seem to have a proliferation of web application frameworks for the new apps that we are creating. In some ways this is good as it lets us experiment with new technologies as a group and lets us fit the needs of a specific application or programmer's style with the framework. However, it has downsides as well; mostly in the realm of ongoing maintenance of the apps. We need to take a moment to figure out where we want to go with this.
== Some issues ==
- Retaining group knowledge of many different application frameworks even when the original author stops being an active contributor
- Maintaining the packages in EPEL and Infrastructure for these
- Maintaining some knowledge of the frameworks' code and involvement
with their upstreams to fix bugs in the frameworks themselves.
- Deployment of multiple frameworks that may have conflicting deps.
- Deployment of multiple frameworks taking up more memory on the servers.
We think to some extent we currently have ways to manage the deployment problems:
- Separate app servers for individual apps. As long as we have an inflow
of hardware resources we can continue to separate out applications onto different machines instead of running them all on app* as our first generation of apps was. This would be an ongoing expense. We should continue to allocate at least two servers to each application so that we can do things like reboots and updates transparently to the users.
- Openshift. Hosting applications on a cloud service like openshift
allows us to separate out applications and parcel out memory as a resource differently than if we're managing multiple apps on a single host.
While these factors do change the game as far as hardware allocation is concerned, it doesn't help our manpower resources. As we spin up more hosts for each web application, we need sysadmin time to spin those hosts up. As we deploy to openshift we need to figure out how we're going to integrate configuration and deployment to those hosts into our existing puppet configurations (I don't think that any of our current openshift deployed services are puppet managed) and how we're going to manage load balancing and failover.
== Where are we now? ==
.. note:: I would like this section to be an inventory of everything that we're deploying and writing but I don't have a complete picture. If you have more things, feel free to update this on the wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Services_Survey
TG1 => Turbogears1, SQLAlchemy and genshi/mako Old TG1 => TurboGears1, SQLObject and kid TG2 => TurboGears2 Pyramid => Curent successor to TG2 but a break from the current TG1 style; may have a new layer built on top of it at a later date that is more TG-ish. Flask => Easy to get started with and wrap your head around. Great for small projects. Not a huge stack of deps.
Application Host Framework Notes
bodhi app* old TG1 has a pyramid branch bodhi releng* old TG1 has a pyramid branch busmon ? TG2/moksha Not yet deployed copr(2) ? flask not yet deployed. Loosely, "buildsys for fedorapeople repos" datagrepper ? flask? Not yet deployed dataviewer ? flask? Not yet deployed dpsearch ? perl/C Not yet deployed testing on search01-dev elections app* TG1 has a TG2 branch and ianweller trying a flask branch for comparison fas fas* TG1 fedorabadges ? pyramid Not yet deployed fedoracommunity app07? TG2/moksha Only runs on RHEL5. We're retiring this pending on datanommer being deployed or we get tired of keeping app07. (Is the version of moksha here old as well?) fedorahosted-reg openshift? flask not yet deployed freemedia app* php In Puppet. Looks like it would be very simple to port to something lightweight like Flask if we wanted to get away from PHP. fudcon-reg openshift flask registration application for fudcon. Not currently configured in puppet, load balanced, etc. koji koji* custom was mod_python. plans to move to mod_wsgi. (Current status?) mirrorlist-server app* custom lightweight, mod_wsgi process. No real framework mirrormanager app* old TG1 has an older TG2 branch packagedb app* TG1 packages packages* TG2 pager app*, noc* CGI raffle app* TG2 Disposable -- no promises to keep maintaining have been made smolt value* TG1 We're planning to get rid of this in favor of census on openshift (Are we still running the process on app* even though it isn't actively serving pages?) tagger packages* TG2
We deploy but do not code for: Application Host Framework Notes
askbot ask* django Uses openid login darkserver darkserver django insight insight* drupal/php I'm not sure the level of coding that we do on this. gitweb(-caching) pkgs* cgi? thinking of replacing with cgit hosted* hg? hosted* cgi? loggerhead hosted* mod_wsgi mailman webui hosted* python cgi mailman web frontend for collab* lists.fp.o and lists.fh.o mediawiki app* php reviewboard hosted* django we've talked about moving this to openshift and/or app servers trac hosted* mod_wsgi genshi templates
Deployed but only for our sysadmins: collectd, nagios, awstats
== Some analysis ==
Right now we're deploying against the following frameworks for applications in our critical path:
- TG1
- mod_wsgi/mod_python
We also have a few additional applications that are not currently critical to creating Fedora but are value adds that we've worked hard on. These applications are written against
- TG1
- TG2
- flask
The new applications that we're writing seem to be written against:
- TG2
- flask
- pyramid
== Some thoughts ==
=== Openshift ===
Although openshift is attractive from a hardware-provisioning perspective, we haven't figured out how to manage configs for it for any of our currently deployed services. So, for instance, if there was evidence that one of our openshift instances had been compromised we wouldn't have the benefit of configs checked into puppet to refer to and to help us reconstruct that instance. We probably also don't have these hosts as part of our backups (don't know if openshift manages backups for us). We should figure out disaster recovery for these hosts before we go too much further here. We also don't currently have any openshift hosts working in a load balanced fashion so, for instance, doing an update of an app could require user visible downtime.
If we're going to use openshift for deploying production apps, we should come up with answers for these tasks.
=== Getting rid of TG1 ===
At some point I want to get rid of the TG1 stack. Upstream is in maintenance-only mode for it. And increasingly, they are moving to the somewhat incompatible TG-1.5.x stack for their maintenance while simultaneously pushing people to write their apps for TG2 or pyramid. While TG1.1 "just works" for us right now, we're eventually going to run up against things that upstream isn't handling (whether bugfixes in the TG-1.1.x branch, security fixes, or porting of the stack to new versions of dependent libraries). While the maintenance burden of the TG1.1 stack is low at this time, it's just going to get higher over time.
In order to port away from the TG1 stack, I want to figure out what we should be porting to. Last year we thought that should be TG2 because moksha was intrinsically linked to TG2 and we were deploying on fedoracommunity which needed moksha. Now, neither of those is true. (moksha can now run on other frameworks besides TG2. fedoracommunity is going away in the future.) However, there's no clear successor.
=== Plethora of frameworks ===
We're writing and deploying apps written against an ever expanding number of frameworks. I am a bit afraid of this. While it is nice to know that we have exactly the right tool for the job among the many choices of framework, I think that maintaining apps written in a variety of frameworks is going to cause us pain as frameworks die off or change radically and current contributors move on to other things. With that in mind I think we should commit to using only a few frameworks in our coding for infrastructure and those frameworks will serve to be where we concentrate on gathering our experience, what we write new apps against, what we design our infrastructure to support, and what we port our apps to as time goes on.
From browsing the list of frameworks we're currently deploying:
Django has a good track record of making new releases with clear porting guides for making changes in your old code on run on the new versions. However, it is conceptually something of an application server (like JBoss), not a pure framework like Turbogears. At the least, this would require some thought on our part on how to deploy and code for it.
Flask seems to be lighter weight in terms of its deps and in terms of its learning curve. It's pretty easy to run a flask app in openshift. If we were to choose just two frameworks, it might make sense to choose flask as an entry level framework for smaller applications and one other framework with lots of bells and whistles for things that need those features.
Sounds like a a good candidate for the purpose --> project requirements.
TurboGears2 is still developed upstream. Some of the main developers have moved on to work on pyramid but others are continuing to work on TG2. Upstream has committed to doing the necessary work to port TG2 to python3 but much of the TG2 underlying stack is in maintenance mode so the TG2 devs have had to do some of that work themselves.
Pyramid is a merging of certain segments of the zope community and the pylons community. If pylons has a successor, this is it. Since TG2 was built on pylons, pyramid might be the next logical step (or a web framework built on top of pyramid).
So we have to choose between a full-stack and a low-level one... Or are you pointing out that maybe we should go for TG2 as we could expect have pyramid as a core base?
== Final thoughts ==
My primary goal is to decide what framework to port our old TG1 code to so that we can stop maintaining the TG1 stack before upstream stops working on it at all. My secondary concern is that we stop growing the other stacks that we're maintaining and concentrate on one or two which will make mainenance easier. Can we choose two frameworks right now that will suit our needs? It seems that flask can serve a niche and maybe should be one of them. What should our bells and whistles framework be? TG2 or pyramid or something else entirely?
Ruby_on_rails? Seriously, That should be related to the dev team capabilities for the "something else entirely" where I can only see TG2 for now unless people's hacking on new web framework?
Beside, I would love to get rid of tg1 and actually move my FAS's work to TG2.
-- Xavier.t Lamien -- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/XavierLamien GPG-Key ID: F3903DEB Fingerprint: 0F2A 7A17 0F1B 82EE FCBF 1F51 76B7 A28D F390 3DEB
On Fri, 27 Jul 2012 16:39:58 +0200 Xavier Lamien laxathom@fedoraproject.org wrote:
Any update on this?
We talked about it some more at the last meeting without reaching a conclusion.
We were down to trying to isolate 2 (or 3) frameworks we could move things to.