Please look at rpm-ostree issue #1493 on github [1].
In short, "rpm-ostree install kernel-modules-extra" doesn't work [1]
and journalctl reports a lot of coredumps.
This seems to happen only if on my Rasperry Pi 3. No problem so far
using Fedora IOT on KVM (x86_64 or aarch64). And no issues also using
F28 IOT on the same RPi3.
In addition, it seems to crash only installing kernel-modules-extra,
it worked with any other package I have installed (overlayed?).
Yeah, I don't know what I'm doing :-) but I just report this behaviour
I've observed.
[1] <https://github.com/projectatomic/rpm-ostree/issues/1493>
[2] Running post scripts... error: Running %post for
kernel-modules-extra: Executing bwrap(/bin/sh): Child process killed
by signal 7; run `journalctl -t
'rpm-ostree(kernel-modules-extra.post)'` for more information
I'm trying to port some .debs from Raspbian to Fedora IoT. Annoyingly, from the point of view of this exercise, the only Fedora image that I can get to work on my Pis is the IoT one (the others don't seem to work with my monitors/hdmi cables).
So, I'm installing dependencies via rpm-ostree, which is a good exercise in any case. However, one of the repos seems to be offline (fedora.roving-it.com: svcs-01.roving-it.com) which is where the wifi/bluetooth firmware were downloaded from. This name resolves to a Digital Ocean droplet, but I don't seem to be able to get to it at all for the past few hours, either by ipv4 or ipv6. Traceroute(6) stops somewhere inside DO.
Is this a normal intermittent failure, and, if so, how long do these normally persist/is there an expected service level?
I pulled down and burnt
On two different h/w resources I booted to the install and have an issue
with same result ~-> dracut init-queue timeout
Should I ,and where , send the rdsosreport.txt ? OR should I look to
another path/method to install?
Can I provide more details/information? Any next steps I should follow?
My goal was to get this recent version installed on the resources I have
here for Fedora IoT to get to more current version. If there is anything
specific I can do to test or spend focus on, let me know.
Thanks for your time,
Douglas E. Hopley Jr.
#fedora-meeting: Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting
Meeting started by pbrobinson at 14:01:09 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* roll call (pbrobinson, 14:01:10)
* 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== (pbrobinson, 14:04:09)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/InternetOfThings/PRD
(pbrobinson, 14:04:21)
* the primary, secondary objectives, personas and uses cases have had
feedback incorporated (pbrobinson, 14:10:06)
* more feedback welcome on the list or IRC (pbrobinson, 14:10:22)
* AGREED: the IoT PRD is approved to move from draft status to
accepted/supported status (pbrobinson, 14:13:39)
* IoT landing page for Fedora 29 (pbrobinson, 14:14:02)
* LINK: https://iot.stg.fedoraproject.org/ (pbrobinson, 14:14:09)
* no need to discuss this much, if you have feedback or can provide
assistance please reach out (pbrobinson, 14:16:56)
* 2) ==== Nightly builds ==== (pbrobinson, 14:17:03)
* 3) ==== Fedora 29 status for IoT ==== (pbrobinson, 14:18:52)
* LINK: Fedora 29 schedule
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/29/Schedule (pbrobinson,
* Final freeze is 2018-10-09 (9th October) (pbrobinson, 14:20:14)
* 4) ==== Open Floor ==== (pbrobinson, 14:21:39)
Meeting ended at 15:00:33 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* pbrobinson (45)
* zodbot (9)
* bcotton (7)
* jsmith (6)
* pwhalen (5)
* ipcloud (3)
* bexelbie (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
We’ve been building packages for Raspbian; specifically varous Python wheels. The approach has been to use x86 based cloud vms with Resin.io’s docker stuff ‘resinio-xbuild&QEMU’ (http://bit.ly/2Ark1KI) This spins up a docker container within the vm that can run some commands in a qemu cpu emulator and others in the native cpu architecture of the host. However, given Raspian’s history, the images are all for 32bit ARM (v7).
Rather that dig out the magic for aarch64, I thought I’d ask whether the fedora build process uses this or another approach for building the binaries, to see if there are any other ideas that are worth checking.
#fedora-meeting: Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting
Meeting started by pbrobinson at 14:06:54 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* roll call (pbrobinson, 14:06:54)
* 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== (pbrobinson, 14:08:04)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/InternetOfThings/PRD
(pbrobinson, 14:08:26)
* we should be signing this off today (pbrobinson, 14:08:35)
* ACTION: pbrobinson to finish the updates and send an email out to
the list (pbrobinson, 14:14:51)
* 2) ==== Nightly builds ==== (pbrobinson, 14:14:53)
* weak dependencies now disabled in F-29/F-30 composes, package dep
reduction about %15, please file an issue if anything that goes you
feel should be in a release (pbrobinson, 14:16:56)
* Fedora 29 main composes should have RC1 later today (pbrobinson,
* 3) ==== Fedora 29 status for IoT ==== (pbrobinson, 14:23:00)
* 4) ==== Fedora 30 planning ==== (pbrobinson, 14:36:21)
* the core plan will be to become an edition (pbrobinson, 14:37:06)
* will need input from design, web and other areas in that transition
(pbrobinson, 14:37:40)
* core functionality will be extended using the container built
pipeline which is in the process of getting multi arch support
(pbrobinson, 14:38:15)
* plan to move to ignition for core provisioning of users and related
functionality (pbrobinson, 14:40:25)
(pbrobinson, 14:40:27)
* plan to move most IoT based tools into an "IoT Toolbox" container
and slim the base OS right down (pbrobinson, 14:41:12)
* 5) ==== Open Floor ==== (pbrobinson, 14:48:32)
* Fedora Magazine article ran today (bcotton, 14:49:20)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/turnon-led-fedora-iot/ (bcotton,
Meeting ended at 14:55:35 UTC.
Action Items
* pbrobinson to finish the updates and send an email out to the list
Action Items, by person
* pbrobinson
* pbrobinson to finish the updates and send an email out to the list
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* pbrobinson (57)
* tim-jones (12)
* zodbot (10)
* lorbus_ (8)
* pwhalen (7)
* bcotton (6)
* Paul-muadib (3)
* mrizo (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot