It would be helpful to contributors and users alike if Fedora IoT had
a single place folks could submit bugs. We discussed this briefly in
the meeting this morning and decided to take it to the mailing list.
There are a few options.
1. Bugzilla bugs
Advantage: it's the place that other Fedora bugs live. This means it's
easy to reassign bugs that aren't strictly IoT-related (e.g. kernel
bugs) to the appropriate component.
Disadvantage: it's not exactly user-friendly
2. Pagure issues
Advantage: it looks a lot like git forges that people might already be
used to. Can refer to issues in commits when things are fixed
Disadvantage: bugs that belong to other components would need to be
manually moved. It also requires a FAS account
3. Taiga issues
Advantage: issues live near the planned work
Disadvantage: Requires a FAS account
I like option 1 the best. In fact, I think it would be pretty great if
all our Editions had a component that was the end-user interface and
contributors moved the issues to the right place. But I'm not the one
who will be doing much/any of the work, so what does everyone else
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat