Hi, I'm really really new to Ipsilon (like, just started today trying to use it as an IdP for AWS SSO). One thing that tripped me up was that the ipsilon packages available in the CentOS7 repos were pretty ancient.

Is there any effort underway to get the more recent code packaged and in say RHEL 8.1 repos?

And this is one of those questions that might get me flamed, but please understand my perspective of someone trying to decide an IdP to put effort into learning/debugging (and not trying to troll anybody): is Ipsilon a priority for RedHat such that continuing development is expected? Or does Shibboleth (or some other IdP) have enough mindshare that making another product work with Kerberos/IPA might be something RH prefers to pursue in the future? Just...ignore those questions if they're irritating, please.
