Come forse saprete, tutte le mailing list sono state spostate sull'infrastruttura del Progetto Fedora.
Per chi non lo sapesse alcune cose sono cambiate, in particolare:
- Le email adesso vanno mandate a: (il vecchio indirizzo rimarra' attivo, non so per quanto)
- Il nuovo indirizzo da utilizzare per gestire la lista e':
Lorenzo V.
Per completezza riporto qui il messaggio di Jon Stanley.
-------- I'm happy to announce that the Fedora mailing list migration to Fedora infrastructure has been completed! Many thanks to all involved in this effort, specifically Marek Mahut from Red Hat IT, and Dennis Gilmore from Fedora Infrastructure. Without both of them, this would never have been possible.
However, the best laid plans of mice and men occasionally go awry. If you posted to the Fedora mailing lists today, you may have noticed that you got a bounce message that contained wording similar to the following:
(host[] said: 550 5.1.1 Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table (in reply to RCPT TO command))
If you got such a message, unfortunately, the message has been lost and you will need to resend it. We apologize for the inconvenience, however, we have identified the root cause of the problem and immediately took steps to rectify it, however, much of the queued up mail had already been processed and bounced.
Also, we identified an issue whereby mail that got sent to the old Red Hat addresses of lists would get dropped. Again, we have identified the root cause of the issue, and it has been repaired.
If you continue to experience issues, please either come find us on IRC in #fedora-admin on or file a ticket in our ticketing system at
Thanks for you patience during this time.