Encountered what I think is a strange issue......
Although I don't think this matters, it is on an F18 system. The environment is UTF-8. The cjkuni-ukai-fonts package is installed. In the "system settings" the General Font is configured for UKai CN while the Fixed-Width is set for FreeMono. Also, in konsole the font set in appearance is also FeeMono.
The odd thing is that when a file containing Simplified Chinese is either edited or cat'ed some of the characters are displayed in what is probably FreeMono while a few are displayed in UKai CN.
I suspect, but am not sure, that some glyphs are missing in FreeMono causing a fallback to UKai CN. Is there a tool that can be used to display/check that glyphs exist for all characters? I'm concerned, or think I should be, that whatever tool may be subject to the same "fall back" situation.
The only thing worse than a poorly asked question is a cryptic answer.