> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Patrick O'Callaghan" <pocallaghan(a)gmail.com>
> To: kde(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
> Cc:
> Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2016 18:20:04 +0100
> Subject: How is Session Restore related to Autostart?
> I use Save Session with "Restore manually saved session" to try for a
> known desktop configuration on login. I say "try" because in various
> ways it doesn't completely work, as discussed in other threads. To
> attempt to get round some of the issues I also have a number of
> programs in Autostart, but it's never been clear to me what relation if
> any there is between these two things.
> Case in point: if I have program Foo in Autostart, but also save a
> session with Foo running, is the desktop after a new login expected to
> show two Foo instances or one (or none because of a conflict). Or is
> this simply not defined? Or does it depend on Foo itself?
Would like to know the answer for this, too.
When I turned restoring session on, all programs from autostart were
run when session was restored. I think autostart should be skipped
when restoring session.
Piotr Dobrogost