On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 7:19 AM, Rex Dieter rdieter@math.unl.edu wrote:
Gerald B. Cox wrote:
A much better choice, IMHO for people to use is qmmp - it's light weight,
I tried using it admittedly only for ~5 minutes and would not be comfortable advocating this as a default media player... offhand:
- interface is small (I guess that means I'm old, the UI text is
unreadably small)
- not obvious how to configure it (at about 5 minute mark after clicking
about everywhere, finally tried right click -> settings)
- not preconfigured (as far as I can tell, it didn't automatically find my
music in ~/Music . I eventually found how to add it manually (after finding "settings")
The default interface is to use the winamp skins. You don't remember winamp - or never used XMMS? ;-)
In any event, your concerns can be addressed by simply choosing the "simple user interface". If you wanted that as the default, I'm sure we could speak to the maintainer or upstream and they could accommodate.
The best thing about qmmp is that it as far back as I remember, it has always (and still is) a very active, continuously maintained project. As Sudhir mentioned there are many projects that are created and haven't been maintained. QMMP is the opposite. It has always been very active and maintained.
Weaknesses you've identified with QMMP can be addressed by using the "simple user interface".
Those who are fans of Winamp can use the skinned interface.