at last I was able to locate the file where my note was migrated :)
Here it is:
ls -la share/akonadi/file_db_data/32/32_r0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 maumar maumar 43410 Jul 11 22:01 share/akonadi/file_db_data/32/32_r0

The file contains all my stuff

Now, my very simple questio is: how can I open it with knotes?

Or, better, how can I configure Knotes to point to that location?

I have 3 location in my Knotes settings:
Local notes

which one should be selected?
to which locations each of them point to?

Is there any documentation where I can gab info w/out boring you with my silly qustions?
I am very obliged and thankful to whom would help me
