On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 11:10 PM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@chello.at> wrote:
Mustafa Muhammad wrote:
> I mean the net result is, when a user first boots Fedora Workstation,
> it works with YouTube (because they use Firefox), boot Fedora KDE, and
> you can't, you have to install rpmfusion repos, then install the
> required codec.

The H.264 codec is NOT required. VP8 is installed out of the box. If
KWebKitPart/QtWebKit is claiming H.264 is supported even when the codec is
not actually present (is that the issue? What does
https://www.youtube.com/html5 list as supported for you?), and then failing
to decode it, that's simply a bug in KWebKitPart/QtWebKit that needs to be
fixed. Replacing the browser is the wrong fix.

This is not the main reason, I listed the reasons several times:
1) Almost dead upstream for Konq, vs thriving upstream for Firefox
2) Slower Konq (maybe qtwebkit to blame)
3) Not supporting the latest standards.
4) The video codecs issue, even if this bug get fixed, no foreseeable VP9 decoding in Konq, VP9 is about 60% the size of VP8 at the same quality and is supported in Firefox ans MSE is being worked on.

We can provide a better user experience for Fedora KDE users, but you refuse to make it happen because you hate Mozilla and want to support upstream KDE.
Shipping inferior browser is hurting Fedora KDE, and hurting upstream KDE in general.

Mustafa Muhammad

        Kevin Kofler

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