On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 10:08 PM, Eli Wapniarski <eli@orbsky.homelinux.org> wrote:
This kinda thing has nothing to do with testing or bug
reports. I would be happy to provide bug reports if KDE 5 had "bugs" that I
could discover but I'm not using it because well for me currently it is
generally not useable.

Well, it kind of does.  There has been an increase of people using KF5 since it went live in Fedora, which means an uptick in reports.
Here is a bug report for something which was intended, planned behavior:  https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=340982
and most of the comments didn't start until the Fedora Beta testing period.  Upstream doesn't always appreciate the impact
of their decisions, and it's up to people to let them know.