I hope this is appropriate. I'm not a contributor, but I am a long-time KDE (Fedora) user who has an extensive music collection on my lap-top.
Since I saw the discussion about dropping Amarok (because of the use of qt4???) I installed and tried to configure juk. My experience is - it's not quite ready for prime time.
Once juk is given a directory it creates a "collection" (it's a surprisingly confusing term!). That collection cannot be changed (or at least, the way to change it is lost in the mists of antiquity). Apparently, "collection" is not "directory" or "folder".
A folder, once created, cannot be removed without crashing juk. At least, I found a way to create a folder that crashes juk when any attempt to remove from juk is made.
Playlists are displayed in no known order. It is certainly not alphabetical.
Column order cannot be changed.
Changes to the settings (like, removing the comment column) are not retained from session to session.
I'm starting to hope that Amarok is kept in the live image.
~ Joe Buckley
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