On 15/02/18 17:01, Rex Dieter wrote:
Terry Barnaby wrote:

I have just noticed that quite a few of my systems now have their
Ethernet interfaces running at 100 MBits/s half duplex rather than the
expected 1GBits/s.
On these systems the KDE/Plasma NeworkManager settings GUI interface now
has an "Allow auto-negotiation" checkbox which I don't think was there
before and it looks like this is set to non-auto, 100MBit/s, half duplex
by default if there is no ETHTOOL_OPTS="autoneg on" in the
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* file and on initial setting of a
network interface.

I guess this is a change/bug in the KDE-Plasma network manager applet.
Where should I file this bug ?
Please do file a bug, preferably @ bugs.kde.org

-- Rex
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Ok, have added bug: 390518
