
I believe you are hitting this issue [1]. I have same problem here on my Dell XPS 15, basically every time anything uses my disk my mouse and UI starts lagging. This is happening when copying files, installing etc. and it's super annoying.

[1] - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1752146


út 7. 1. 2020 v 11:46 odesílatel Klaus Kolle <klaus@kolle.dk> napsal:

over the past few months I've seen a strange behaviour on my Fedora 30 KDE.

I see processes accessing the disk for very long periods totally
blocking the user interface. I've seen SpiderOakONE, dnf and rpm on the
process list.

Is this a SSD problem? Is the disk worn out? Or is it a deliberate
behaviour in the kernel drivers that has been introduced in the last
quarter of 2019?

I hope someone can point me where to search for more evidence for what i
the root cause of the annoying problem, that renders my laptop almost
useless for periods.


Med venlig hilsen

Klaus Kolle

Teknikumingeniør, B.Sc.EE.,     e-mail    : klaus@kolle.dk
Master of IT                    www       : www.kolle.dk
Asger Jorns Vej 17              Telephone : +4522216044
DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

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kan forklares af inkompetence"
Poul Henning Kamp

Planlægning er tanker om noget man agter at gøre en gang i fremtiden,
hvis omstændighederne tillader det.
Klaus Kolle 2006

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nothing more left to take away.
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Jan Grulich,

Senior Software Engineer, Desktop Team

Red Hat