how are the plans for KDE 4.12 on F20?
i am running kde-unstable from day one (some minutes before the announcement of Rex here) on F19 and now on F20, the only problem i faced was okular no longer display images is fixed in the meantime
how many testers of kde-unstable do we have and how is the expierience of other people?
On Sat 25 January 2014 14:49:08 Reindl Harald wrote:
how are the plans for KDE 4.12 on F20?
i am running kde-unstable from day one (some minutes before the announcement of Rex here) on F19 and now on F20, the only problem i faced was okular no longer display images is fixed in the meantime
how many testers of kde-unstable do we have and how is the expierience of other people?
I would like to add like you I have no problems with 4.12.x/F20 since the Okular fix, it really is running very well for me.
Kmail2 has vastly improved. I am using both POP3 and IMAP here. My only real but *small* problem is Kontact/Kmail does not close cleanly.