just got a new laptop and installed Fedora KDE.
After fiddling with the system settings in for a while to setup as I
want things to look and behave I notised that fx. Alt-Tab doesn't work
any more. The task switcher pane is disabled.
'I cannot find a way to bring it back in function.
Can someone give me a hint to where to look?
Med venlig hilsen / Sincerely
Klaus Kolle
Teknikumingeniør, B.Sc.EE., e-mail : klaus@kolle.dk
Master of IT www : www.kolle.dk
Asger Jorns Vej 17 Telefon : +4522216044
DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
"Man skal ikke tilskrive til sammensværgelser hvad der tilstrækkeligt kan forklares af inkompetence"
Poul Henning Kamp
Planlægning er tanker om noget man agter at gøre en gang i fremtiden, hvis omstændighederne tillader det.
Klaus Kolle 2006
Perfection is achieved not when nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more left to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery