After installing Qstars:
qstars-0.4-12.fc19.x86_64 qstars-kde-0.4-12.fc19.x86_64 qstars-xscreensaver-0.4-12.fc19.x86_64
I could not see it listed in the System Settings > Display and Monitors > Screen Locker.
Running kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental it threw up an error (missing trailing semicolon) in the qstars.desktop file.
I made some other changes to the qstars.desktop file as well (which I think is from qstars-kde) and it is now listed and works.
The changes where in this section:
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Service X-KDE-ServiceTypes=ScreenSaver Name=QStars Exec=qstars Icon=kscreensaver X-KDE-Category=Miscellaneous Actions=Setup;InWindow;Root;
I know it is old an not supported by the author anymore but maybe others have missed this cool screen saver :)
Colin J Thomson wrote:
I made some other changes to the qstars.desktop file as well (which I think is from qstars-kde) and it is now listed and works.
This kind of fixes should be reported to the Fedora package maintainer via https://bugzilla.redhat.com/ so he/she can fix it for all Fedora users.
Kevin Kofler