
I’m Boudin and I run a Pomodoro timer service called PomoNow.com

PomoNow is an Aesthetic, Customizable and Free Pomodoro timer with amazing features available. PomoNow is a full time management tool where a detailed report, of work productivity, can be generated.

I stumbled upon your website https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/package-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/2017/11/?page=4 , and I just have to say: WOW!

I had a quick proposal, I was wondering, would you be interested in featuring a link to my website in your piece regarding Pomodoro online timer solutions?

I think it could be a great reference for your own article to provide your readers with more valuable information!

Either way, thanks for the shout out and keep up the great work!



PomoNow.com CEO