Olivier Galibert wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 04:44:20PM -0600, Jerry James wrote:
>> Is anybody interested in working with me on getting some voice
>> recognition product packaged up in usable form on Fedora?
> For speech recognition, software is only part of the problem and,
> fundamentally, the easiest one (take the algorithms, implement them,
> optimize/debug at will). The real problem is the data needed to build
> the models to feed the algorithms. There isn't as far as I know any
> reasonable set of corpus available under an open source license usable
> to build a decent speech recognizer. Which makes open source speech
> recognition something not doable yet.
> OG.
(I'm sorry for cross-posting to fedora-legal)
Well, the most interesting question here for me is what about licensing
such language models -- could they be considered to be firmware
(redistributable, not modifiable)?
This is important also because of their size (shipping 1G+ corpora, even
compressed, is probably not a right way to go).