Hi Miroslav,

Thanks for doing this. I've been meaning to give a more thorough update, so now you've made that easier!

I'll try to add a few things to the wiki page you started. Ironically, another aspect of this is to move the licensing/legal info off the wiki! In doing so, review and needed updates to the documentation is also occurring which is why you've seen some topics being raised by Richard on this mailing list.

I have some questions about you license-fedora2spdx tool - is this using the data from the (new) TOML files in terms of mapping Fedora-SPDX ids?


On 5/10/22 1:06 AM, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
I took the initiative and drafted


I did **not** set it as ready for wrangler yet. I welcome comments. And feel free to edit it directly. Especially these who I put there as proposal owners.

I would love to track all remaining work in the Scope section, so we know what needs to be done and who is responsible. I am sure I missed something there. Feel free to add it.
