I recently took over btanks and noticed that there is an exception to the base (GPL v2) license included. Do I need to worry about this?
The exception is: Battle Tanks is distributed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL with the following interpretation and a specific Exception: 1. Definitions used in this Exception:
Battle Tanks�refers to a scalable computer game program (able to be combined with non-Open Source Applications). The program contains limited game logic and limited game content (including pictures, maps, visual images of game scenery, sounds and other artwork) and is distributed free on the GNU GPL conditions.
A Non-Open Source Application� refers to a body of expanded game content (including pictures, maps, visual images of game scenery, sounds and other artwork) together with patterns containing expanded game logic, which is intended solely for the use with Battle Tanks, can work exclusively along with Battle Tanks and shall be distributed through selling on the terms and conditions other than those of GNU GPL.
2. Exclusive rights to Battle Tanks belong to the company Netive Company�Ltd., Novosibirsk (Russia), which may link or combine Battle Tanks with some non-Open Source Applications.
Netive Company�Ltd. can sign a separate written License Agreement with a third party, under which they are granted permission to: a) link or combine Battle Tanks with non-Open Source Applications; b) reproduce and distribute through selling copies of non-Open Source Applications along with Battle Tanks.
3. All the provisions granted under the section 2 of the Exception go into effect, provided all the corresponding licenses of using non-Open Source Applications are available and observed.
4. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this exception.
5. Only Netive Company, Ltd. may make changes or additions to the Exception.
On 06/25/2011 02:57 AM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
I recently took over btanks and noticed that there is an exception to the base (GPL v2) license included. Do I need to worry about this?
No. It seems odd that this exception exists, since the copyright holder doesn't need this exception to do what they grant themselves permission to do, but it doesn't affect us or make the license non-free.
== Fedora Project