Am 14.03.2015 06:01 schrieb "Josh Dye" <>:
>> shutting down Google Code over the coming months

>> The simplest option would be to use the Google Code Exporter a new tool that will allow you to export your projects directly to GitHub.

Last night I started the export to github. Took a few hours to complete but the result looks good:

> Did fedorahosted ever look like it could happen? I could move the repo to github or I could finish moving it to my student bitbucket account, do you have an opinion?

As far as I understood Fedora all we could do without Alain is fork our own project. Does student account mean we have to move (or pay) again as soon as you finish studying? IIRC they also have a limit of just a few people using a repo. Or was that just for private repositories?

I don't have any strong preference which hoster to use. Github seems like the least effort with Google doing the exporting. Let's hope they don't go Berlios in a few years.
