I have already installed the Fedora 7 on my HD off the livecd ..
However i would like to be able to install a compiler is that possible?
if so what is the name of the compiler and download link.

Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> Varoon wrote:
>>> May be i did not phrase my question right....
>>> I would like to know if the live of fedora 7 has a c++ compiler.If so
>>> how can i use it to compile an already written code?
>> No, the live cd by default does not have any compiler. If you have
>> enough ram you can yum install gcc and related packages. It might be
>> slow to do compilations on a live cd. Why do you want to compile
>> packages in a live cd?
>> Rahul
> It doesn't really matter why he wants it, he can create a LiveCD or DVD
> himself using the livecd-tools kickstart files and the package
> customization stage in Revisor:

Sure he can but it is does matter why some things are being done and it
is useful to understand what users are doing to see if there is anything
that can be made easier.


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