Hi Danny,

El mar., 6 ago. 2019 a las 12:50, D L (<dreamer@panix.com>) escribió:

I noticed on marketing’s wiki, it mentions it works on fedora magazine.  I was wondering if this might be the right place to suggest updating the front page

The place to direct this stuff is in the magazine list, that I'm adding in the loop. They can help you with this better, but IIRC the magazine change its look not too long ago.

to add the author’s name to the articles?  Also, a feature that I would be interested in is being able to click on the authors name and see their previous articles (which is there) and bio/profile (not there) and possibly a way to contact them for more info. 

IMHO, a link to contact the author could lead to unwanted emails, since the magazine often have one-time contributors/writers, that could lead to reduce the interest of writing articles. Also the author's name and mini bio is shown in each article, the info put in the bio is choosen by each author. Having the author's name in the front page could lead to a reduce traffic in articles (people can develop the habit of read only certain author's articles).

Also, it would be convenient, but not really necessary, if I could share to others via email/social media at the end of the article.

The social share is available with the JetPack plugin, but not sure why is disabled.

Finally, a link under the “Contributing to the Fedora Magazine docs” that would link to “Help Fedora project in another way” and then connect to the marketing/design/or even technical department group sites could collect volunteers who visit the magazine (front line/public facing side of the project) and direct them to behind the scenes volunteer areas if they have other talents.


Ps. Let me know if there is a better place to share ideas/suggestions. 

I'm pretty sure that in the whole project we have a standard footer that should have all kind of links, not sure why is not implemented in the magazine. The thing I notice by looking at the magazine now, is that the right panel have the "Contribute" section twice, maybe is a mistake, maybe is intentional, not sure.

I hope my comments are useful.

Eduard Lucena
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Fedora Marketing Representative