I noticed on marketing’s wiki, it mentions it works on fedora magazine.  I was wondering if this might be the right place to suggest updating the front page to add the author’s name to the articles?  Also, a feature that I would be interested in is being able to click on the authors name and see their previous articles (which is there) and bio/profile (not there) and possibly a way to contact them for more info. 


Also, it would be convenient, but not really necessary, if I could share to others via email/social media at the end of the article. 


Finally, a link under the “Contributing to the Fedora Magazine docs” that would link to “Help Fedora project in another way” and then connect to the marketing/design/or even technical department group sites could collect volunteers who visit the magazine (front line/public facing side of the project) and direct them to behind the scenes volunteer areas if they have other talents.


Ps. Let me know if there is a better place to share ideas/suggestions. 



Danny Lee  <dreamer@panix.com>

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.  ~ Leonardo da Vinci