#fedora-meeting: FAmNA

Meeting started by masta at 02:00:11 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* === FAmNA Roll Call ===  (masta, 02:00:15)

* === Announcements ===  (masta, 02:04:21)

* === Tickets ===  (masta, 02:05:57)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9   (masta, 02:05:59)
  * ACTION: rbergeron to look into the booth situation for pycon
    (masta, 02:31:38)
  * need help with LFNW, please tag the ticket if you are interested
    (masta, 02:37:25)
  * ACTION: rbergeron to own the LFNW event  (masta, 02:43:51)
  * ACTION: masta to poke rbergeron about the status in like 2 days
    (masta, 02:44:09)
  * ACTION: inode0 to send aforementioned floating mail to robyn
    (rbergeron, 02:45:06)
  * LINK: http://www.linuxfestnorthwest.org/sponsorship   (masta,
  * Fedora will likely be a Silver sponsor for LFNW  (masta, 02:48:27)

* == Who will be the next FAmNA meeting chair?  ==  (masta, 02:49:05)

* == Open Floor ===  (masta, 02:50:32)

Meeting ended at 03:04:16 UTC.

Action Items
* rbergeron to look into the booth situation for pycon
* rbergeron to own the LFNW event
* masta to poke rbergeron about the status in like 2 days
* inode0 to send aforementioned floating mail to robyn

Action Items, by person
* inode0
  * inode0 to send aforementioned floating mail to robyn
* masta
  * masta to poke rbergeron about the status in like 2 days
* rbergeron
  * rbergeron to look into the booth situation for pycon
  * rbergeron to own the LFNW event
  * masta to poke rbergeron about the status in like 2 days
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* masta (83)
* rbergeron (66)
* chanchito (49)
* inode0 (25)
* nb (17)
* abadger1999 (14)
* zodbot (11)
* j_dulaney (8)
* dramsey (3)
* kdas_ (3)
* MarkDude (2)


-Jon Disnard
fas: parasense
irc: masta