On 10/4/18 5:52 PM, Peter Robinson wrote:
> * who is going to do the work?
> * do we have budget to do this? Yes, I think it would be fun to get
> the community involved for ideas but I think also budget for a design
> agency to take some of those ideas to a logo suitable for the next 15
> years would be awesome! See the Red Hat effort about the redesign for
> shadow man for an example here (no further comment on that!)
> * Without an effective marketing team how do we deal with that?
> * Without an effective web team how do we deal with that?
This could be a good opportunity to reevaluate the relationship of
different mindshare teams we already have in Fedora and how we can
better support them in their work. Because we do have a design team, a
marketing team, and a web team doing great work – so I am curious where
the perception of effectiveness arises. :)
I want to clarify my previous comment. I imagine everyone agrees it
should be open and transparent, but we may define those differently. It
should include engagement and active participation of mindshare teams in
a process to update the logo. If the logo is refreshed without active
involvement of these teams, whatever the final result is won't feel
representative of our community—to me.
If working with mindshare teams in this process feels tedious or that it
would draw this process out over a long stretch of time, it's worth
considering why that is and what we can do to make it not feel this way.
Justin W. Flory