Hi Louis,

Although I do agree it would give us more visibility, I am uncertain that is our principal objective as a team. We have transparency on all we do already. I believe most of the things we address as a team are logistics, and vetting ideas to make sure they are well positioned to succeed. Helping, unblocking, clarifying lines of communication.

The mindshare team is composed of individuals from different parts of Fedora to make sure everyone is taken into consideration. I think the kinds of decisions we make weekly are better left to a small subset of people. Events/swag/etc.

I could see the use of discussing broader topics there? My thought still remains: it is another platform to check/email to digest/thing to maintain.

Does anyone else have thoughts on using discussion.fp.o for the Mindshare team?


Marie Nordin

Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator

Red Hat Fedora Project


T: +1.973.800.4967

IRC: riecatnor

On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 10:34 AM <louzaoh@gmail.com> wrote:
Well a few things come to my mind:

1.- Irc/Telegram are not logged.
2.- Although zodbot is now on Irc for logging meetings.
3.- Pagure is more technical Oriented (Internal Use).
4.- Mailing List is also Technical (Internal Use).

in other hands:

*discussion.fp.o* will give the TEAM more visibility and thus be able to reach another target of audience, normal people (Outside), and I think this is the principal objective.


El sáb, 11-01-2020 a las 13:15 -0500, Marie Nordin escribió:

My first thought is a bit hesitant, because we currently have our mailing list, IRC/telegram, and pagure track to communicate. That being said, I am open to it if you feel this can offer us something different. Can you elaborate on what you feel the benefits to the team will be?


Marie Nordin

Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator

Red Hat Fedora Project


T: +1.973.800.4967

IRC: riecatnor

On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 1:38 PM <louzaoh@gmail.com> wrote:

MindShare can be benefit of using *discussion.fp.o*, the TEAM can open a Sub-Category there and start some of Discussion there, 
   under *Project Conversations Category* like CommOps does.


@riecatnor is a mod there....

I think The TEAM can benefit from this....

