commit ebb2a3bbc17344e3ce2c128fe2502dbce23cd8d1
Author: Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro(a)>
Date: Sat Nov 12 12:58:41 2011 +0100
Backported the changes from f16/master up to 69-8 excluding 69-3
Backported the changes from f16/master up to 69-8 excluding 69-3
This contains a more complete list of Win32 default DLLs and
a bugfix for the dependency extractor with upper case dll names
mingw32-filesystem.spec | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------- | 2 +-
2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mingw32-filesystem.spec b/mingw32-filesystem.spec
index f3ffad3..2dad86f 100644
--- a/mingw32-filesystem.spec
+++ b/mingw32-filesystem.spec
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Name: mingw32-filesystem
Version: 69
-Release: 3%{?dist}
+Release: 4%{?dist}
Summary: MinGW base filesystem and environment
Group: Development/Libraries
@@ -38,22 +38,43 @@ Requires: pkgconfig
# proprietary DLLs in our find-requires checking script - essentially
# it comes out the same either way.
+Provides: mingw32(advapi32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(avicap32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(cfgmgr32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(comctl32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(comdlg32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(crypt32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(ddraw.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(dnsapi.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(dsound.dll)
Provides: mingw32(gdi32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(gdiplus.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(glu32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(glut32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(imm32.dll)
Provides: mingw32(kernel32.dll)
-Provides: mingw32(ole32.dll)
Provides: mingw32(mscoree.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(msdmo.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(msimg32.dll)
Provides: mingw32(msvcrt.dll)
-Provides: mingw32(user32.dll)
-Provides: mingw32(wldap32.dll)
-Provides: mingw32(glut32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(netapi32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(odbc32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(ole32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(oleaut32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(opengl32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(psapi.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(rpcrt4.dll)
Provides: mingw32(secur32.dll)
-Provides: mingw32(version.dll)
-Provides: mingw32(cfgmgr32.dll)
Provides: mingw32(setupapi.dll)
-Provides: mingw32(rpcrt4.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(shell32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(shlwapi.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(user32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(usp10.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(version.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(winmm.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(wldap32.dll)
Provides: mingw32(ws2_32.dll)
-Provides: mingw32(gdiplus.dll)
-Provides: mingw32(odbc32.dll)
+Provides: mingw32(wsock32.dll)
@@ -170,6 +191,11 @@ install -m 644 %{SOURCE8} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/mingw32
+* Sat Nov 12 2011 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro(a)> - 69-4
+- Backported the changes from f16/master up to 69-8 excluding 69-3
+ This contains a more complete list of Win32 default DLLs and
+ a bugfix for the dependency extractor with upper case dll names
* Fri Jul 1 2011 Erik van Pienbroek <epienbro(a)> - 69-3
- The %%{_mingw32_qmake_qt4} macro pointed to an invalid mkspecs name. Fixed
diff --git a/ b/
index ae1047e..da6bb2c 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ echo 'mingw32-runtime'
dlls=$(echo $filelist | tr [:blank:] '\n' | grep -Ei '\.(dll|exe)$')
for f in $dlls; do
- $OBJDUMP -p $f | grep 'DLL Name' | grep -Eo '[-._\+[:alnum:]]+\.dll' |
+ $OBJDUMP -p $f | grep 'DLL Name' | grep -Eio '[-._\+[:alnum:]]+\.dll' |
tr [:upper:] [:lower:] |
sed 's/\(.*\)/mingw32(\1)/'
done | sort -u