Hi all,
I am running Fedora 17, and I am a bit confused about how can I use the
cross-compiler tools to build executables for both Win32 & Win64.
In the documents, I found this:
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Mingw-w64_cross_compiler ,
which states that Fedora 17 contains a new toolchain (Mingw-w64), which
can build both 64 & 32 bit windows binaries.
However, I can find only one package named after mingw-w64, and many
named after mingw-32 & mingw-64. Are these the "old" toolchain?
Is there a tutorial available on what to install and how to use the
windows cross-compiler?
I haven't managed to find anything recent.
--- Comment #4 from Erik van Pienbroek <erik-fedora(a)vanpienbroek.nl> ---
(In reply to comment #3)
> I have uploaded an updated spec and src.rpm file to
> the same URLs as above if anyone else wants to take a look.
Please bump the release and upload a new .src.rpm every time you make a change.
This makes it easier to compare changes between versions
Some additional review comments:
are used in both the MINGW32_CMAKE_ARGS and the MINGW64_CMAKE_ARGS. To reduce
duplication, you might want to move these to the %mingw_cmake call
- The %clean section can be removed completely
- Why are the files %{mingw32_libdir}/CLuceneConfig.cmake and
%{mingw64_libdir}/CLuceneConfig.cmake dropped but not the files
%{mingw32_libdir}/CLucene/CLuceneConfig.cmake and
%{mingw64_libdir}/CLucene/CLuceneConfig.cmake. Shouldn't these two files be
dropped as well?
- The CMake arguments -DLUCENE_SYS_INCLUDES:PATH=%{mingw32_libdir} and
-DLUCENE_SYS_INCLUDES:PATH=%{mingw64_libdir} shouldn't be needed for MinGW
packages. It looks like the native Fedora CLucene package uses it for multilib
support, but as Fedora MinGW doesn't use multilib this CMake argument shouldn't
be needed for this package
(In reply to comment #3)
> rwmjones said on
> Freenode he is overburdened with sponsorees already. I'm still looking for a
> package sponsor for this package.
One of the things you could do to attract potential sponsors is by helping out
with reviewing other packages so you can demonstrate your understanding of the
Fedora Packaging Guidelines. Here are some packages which might be interesting
to help reviewing:
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=832007 - mingw-webkitgtk3
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=830388 - mingw-libarchive
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=830387 - mingw-xz
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Daniel Berrange <berrange(a)redhat.com> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags|needinfo?(berrange(a)redhat.c |
|om) |
--- Comment #3 from Daniel Berrange <berrange(a)redhat.com> ---
Yes, I do. I was ignoring it until the Mingw32 -> Mingw64 migration in Fedora
had settled down. I'll rewrite the specfile to follow new standards soon
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Daniel Berrange <berrange(a)redhat.com> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags|needinfo?(berrange(a)redhat.c |
|om) |
--- Comment #3 from Daniel Berrange <berrange(a)redhat.com> ---
Yes, I do. I was ignoring it until the Mingw32 -> Mingw64 migration in Fedora
had settled down. I'll rewrite the specfile to follow new standards soon
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Erik van Pienbroek <erik-fedora(a)vanpienbroek.nl> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags| |needinfo?(berrange(a)redhat.c
| |om)
--- Comment #2 from Erik van Pienbroek <erik-fedora(a)vanpienbroek.nl> ---
Daniel: Do you still want to continue this package review?
If so, please update the package so it will be based on the new MinGW Packaging
Guidelines which are active as of Fedora 17:
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You are on the CC list for the bug.
Erik van Pienbroek <erik-fedora(a)vanpienbroek.nl> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags| |needinfo?(berrange(a)redhat.c
| |om)
--- Comment #2 from Erik van Pienbroek <erik-fedora(a)vanpienbroek.nl> ---
Daniel: Do you still want to continue this package review?
If so, please update the package so it will be based on the new MinGW Packaging
Guidelines which are active as of Fedora 17:
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Fedora Update System <updates(a)fedoraproject.org> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed| |2012-06-14 20:19:17
--- Comment #8 from Fedora Update System <updates(a)fedoraproject.org> ---
mingw-gsl-1.15-2.fc17 has been pushed to the Fedora 17 stable repository.
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Kalev Lember <kalevlember(a)gmail.com> changed:
What |Removed |Added
CC| |fedora-mingw(a)lists.fedorapr
| |oject.org
--- Comment #1 from Kalev Lember <kalevlember(a)gmail.com> ---
Koji scratch build: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=4161328
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